Chapter 34

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"Who are you fighting tomorrow?" I ask Harry, taking a bite of the food in front of me.

"Ace Moore," Harry replies. "Remember him?" I nod. He was the man who sat next to me that one time I attended Harry's fight. The one who would try to sit close to me every time I moved away.

"Have you fought against him before?" From what I remember, Ace was a tough looking man, and I want to know if he'll be easy to beat.

Harry nods, swallowing the food in his mouth. "A couple times. He's the only one who actually lasts more than two rounds. I must admit that fucker is pretty good," he says. My face falls at his words and I start worrying. "Not as good as me, Sweetheart. Don't worry about it, alright?" he takes my hand in his and kisses my knuckles.

"At what time is your fight?"

"Eight at night. Are you coming?" I nod and his face lights up with a smile. "That means a lot, baby. I'll call my manager and tell him to get you a good seat."

We finish our dinner and head up to the bedroom and get ready for bed. I open the drawer with my silk nightgowns and pull out a purple one. Harry walks towards me and takes it from my hands. "Uh... I was going to slip that on for bed, Harry."

"Not this one," he throws it back into the drawer and closes it. "Close your eyes," he says. I do as he says and I hear him walk away. When he comes back he places an object in my hands and tells me to open my eyes.

A black box with a pink ribbon rests on my hands. I look up at Harry with a raised eyebrow. "What's this?"

He bites his lip and shrugs. "I got you a little present. Come on, open it!" I laugh and remove the lid of the box. Pink silk material sits nicely inside the box. I pick up the soft fabric and realize it's a nightgown with a matching robe.

"You got me a nightgown?" I smile at him.

"I saw it and thought it would look beautiful on you," a soft shade of pink colors his cheeks. I've never seen Harry blush before, and it's honestly one of the most adorable sights. "Do you like it?"

"I love it!" I throw my arms around his neck and hug him tightly. His arms snake around my waist pulling me closer. "Thank you, honey." I kiss his lips softly and step away to slip on the nightgown.

His eyes roam my body and he bites his lip. "Come here, sweetheart," he says, his voice huskier. "It looks so good on you, but this might need to come off now." His lips make contact with the skin on my neck and he sucks on it, bringing blood to the surface. His teeth gently graze my skin and he licks the spot he was sucking on. He smiles, looking at the reddened skin.

"You need to save your energy for tomorrow. I need you to win that match," I lightly push him away and walk to the bed, getting under the covers. Harry groans and lays next to me.

"But think of how good I'll make you feel, Sweetheart." His hand slides up my thigh and I slap it away giggling.

"Win tomorrow's fight and I might reward you," I caress his chest.

"As soon as the fight ends, I'm claiming my reward, baby," he winks and pulls my body close to his. He kisses my forehead and we fall asleep.

"We'll be right back, honey." Daddy kisses mummy on the lips and I scrunch my nose.

"Gross," I say, causing them to laugh. Mummy kisses the top of my head and walks away. Daddy takes my small hand in his and we walk out of the house. We approach daddy's car and he opens the back door for me. "Daddy, can I ride in the front seat today? Please?" I press my palms together and pout. Daddy smiles and nods.

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