Chapter 48

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The sound of the gunshot loudly echoes around the garage. I let out a muffled scream and more tears cascade down my cheeks. I breathe heavily, anticipating the excruciating pain from the bullet wound, but I feel nothing. The clamor that follows makes me open my eyes.

In front of me, lays Nathan's lifeless body. He lays limply on the dirty ground, his face is pale and his eyes are open, staring straight at me. my head snaps to the doorway, where a police officer is holstering his gun, and other officers are rushing in, inspecting the room.

Behind two officers that stand by the door, I spot a mop of short curly hair. My heart beats faster and a wave of relief washes through me. Harry pushes through the officers and runs toward me. Tears roll down his cheeks, his eyes are red and his features tired as if he hadn't slept in days. A slight stubble has appeared, his hair is messy like he's run his fingers through it thousands of times.

His long fingers carefully remove the duct tape from my mouth, then untie the rope that restrained my feet. I jump when I feel someone behind me, uncuffing my hands.

"Harry," I sob and throw my arms around Harry as soon as the handcuffs are off. He wraps his arms securely around my waist, holding me as close to his chest as possible.

"Oh, God, Scarlet," he whispers in my hear. I nuzzle into his neck and let my tears soak through his jean jacket. "I'm so glad you're okay, baby. God, I was so scared."

I hear sirens and about four paramedics walk in, one of them walks over to me and Harry, while the rest approach Nathan's limp body.

"Sir, I need to check Mrs. Styles," the paramedic says. We both look up at the kind lady holding a bag and offering a comforting smile.

She tries to pull me up, but I cling onto Harry. "No, please. Don't let me go, Harry. Please stay with me, don't let go," I whimper.

Harry pulls me up to my feet and caresses my face. "I'm not going anywhere, Sweetheart. I'm staying right next to you," he assures me. I nod and turn to the paramedic and she motions me to sit on the uncomfortable chair. I swallow hard but do as she tells me.

"Mrs. Styles, my name is Katy. Can you tell me what day it is?" she asks softly.

I shake my head and look up at Harry. He takes my hand in his and squeezes gently. "I-I don't know. I was unconscious for a while, I lost track of time."

She nods. "That's okay. I'm going to shine this light in your eyes, alright? Follow my finger, please." I look at her finger and squint at the bright light. She begins moving her finger from side to side and my eyes follow its slow track. "It all seems fine. There are no signs of any head trauma. It's just this little cut on your cheek, I will clean it up and then you're ready to go home and rest, okay?" I nod and she begins cleaning the small wound. I wince when she rubs alcohol on my cheek. "It will be bruised and swollen for a few days but it will get better, love."

I thank her and she starts walking out, but stops in her tracks and turns back to us. "Dear, I recommend you go get a physical check-up at the hospital." I tilt my head to the side in confusion. "You said you were unconscious most of the time, correct?" I nod. "You don't know what happened to you while you were unconscious, dear. A lot of times victims who are unconscious get sexually assaulted by their aggressor."

I feel my breathing come to a halt at her words. "Are- are you trying to say that... I might've been ra-raped?" A knot forms in my stomach as the thought makes its way into my mind. My hands start shaking and I have trouble breathing, my body has gone cold.

"I think it's highly unlikely in your case, love. Considering that your clothing seems to be intact, I would say the chances are very low. However, it never hurts to make sure. Besides, in the hospital they will be able to give you a more in-depth check up and make sure you're completely fine," she offers me a kind smile before making her way out.

Marrying a Boxer | H.S.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora