Chapter 74

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"Are you allowed to drink in children's parties?" Harry asks when he sees some of the parents drinking beer and wine.

"Do you want me to bring you a beer?" I ask him.

He shakes his head. "No, thank you, Sweetheart. I have to train tomorrow and whenever I drink before a match or training I feel like shit. I get dehydrated and I feel like I'm slow. Plus, I find it weird to drink at a one-year-old's birthday party," he chuckles.

Today is Lauren's birthday and Moni decided to throw her a small party. Little kids are running around the garden, playing and jumping in the bounce house. Running to their parents for a sip of water or juice, running to Moni and asking when the cake will be served.

Most of the guests are parents with two or more kids. Harry and I are the only couple in the garden with no kids and it feels pretty weird.

Moni comes over to us, holding Lauren's tiny hand. She looks so adorable in her puffy blue dress and matching blue shoes. Her short hair is styled in two little pigtails adorned by a couple of blue bows.

Lauren takes her hand out of Moni's hold and attempts to run towards Harry, tripping once before standing up and wobbling to him. "Hawy," she says with a wide smile, holding her arms out in front of her, opening and closing her hands. "Hawy!"

"Hey, Ladybug!" Harry picks her up once she reaches him. He sprinkles kisses all over her face and Lauren bursts into giggles.

Moni sits next to me and we both watch the sweet image. "She wanted to come see Uncle Harry," my sister says.

"Harry could happily spend all day with her," I say with a warm smile, not looking away from my husband playing with my niece. Lauren grabs Harry's sunglasses, taking them off and inspecting them in her hands. She attempts to put them back on him, poking his eye and laughing when he lets out a groan. He takes them from her hands gently and places them on her. I let out a soft laugh seeing how she looks with the oversized shades.

"Beautiful!" Harry says with a laugh. Lauren giggles and claps her hands.

"Have you talked to him about...?" Moni trails off.

I tear my eyes away from Harry and take a deep breath. "Yeah, I did. The conversation went really well, I would say. He told me that he would love to try again whenever I feel ready."

"And do you?"

"I don't know, yet. We haven't been using protection for a while now. And we actually went to see my gynaecologist last week, just to make sure everything is okay. She said that I could get pregnant whenever I felt ready, that everything was good, but I can't help the worry I feel. It's just that I've read so many things saying that it was harder to conceive after a miscarriage, some women can't get pregnant again, others have more miscarriages... I'm terrified, Moni. I don't think I could endure another miscarriage." I take a deep breath to control my urge to cry.

My sister takes my hand, squeezing it. "I'm in no position to say this and I know I could never understand what you've been through. But you can't live in fear all your life. I'm not saying to get pregnant now if you don't feel ready."

"I know you're right, Moni." I lean over and give her a hug, thanking her for her support and words of advice. I love my sister to death. "Hey, where's mum, by the way? She's never late to any family events."

"I have no idea, she said she was on her way but that was like an hour ago," Moni says.

"Erm, girls, is that your mother?" Harry asks, his attention focused ahead of him.

Moni and I turn to look in that direction and see our mother, impeccably dressed like always, but this time, her arm is linked to someone else. "Is that... her... boyfriend?" I ask, incredulously.

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