Chapter 83

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Harry and I finish getting ready for dinner at my mother's house. She invited us, Anne and Gemma tonight, and we thought it would be the perfect opportunity to tell everyone the good news. We haven't even told Maura, but I think she suspects something.

She's noticed that I haven't been drinking wine as I used to and it's pretty difficult to hide my nausea. Last week she cooked rum-glazed shrimp and as soon as she placed the plate in front of me and I got a whiff of the food, I rushed out of my chair and to the nearest restroom in the house. I can't stand the smell of seafood, meaning I can't eat salmon which has always been one of my favorite dishes.

Maura has also mentioned numerous times that I have a "special glow". I've come so close to telling her that I'm pregnant but I just tell her I changed my skincare and now use algae face masks. She knows I'm lying, though.

"Are you ready, Sweetheart?" Harry asks, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder, leaving a tender kiss on there.

I finish applying my lipstick, making sure it looks perfect, then smack my lips together and smile. I turn my body to face Harry and he takes my hands in his, stepping back and shamelessly roaming his eyes up and down my body, lingering his gaze on my chest.

He licks his bottom lip and sinks his teeth into it. "Your tits look amazing in that dress, Sweetheart," he compliments. "Well, frankly they look amazing all the time."

I roll my eyes, shaking my head. I've got to give it to him, my boobs do look amazing in this dress. Especially now that my chest is getting fuller, they pretty much look amazing in anything.

He places his hands on my hips and starts sliding them up until he reaches my chest, cupping my breasts and giving them a gentle squeeze. My breathing starts getting heavier and I let out a sigh. "We should get going or we'll be late," I say, grabbing his wrists and pushing them off of me with a laugh. He groans as I go to grab my purse and I notice him pouting until we get in the car.

When we get to my mother's house, Joey opens the door, greeting us with a big smile and gives me a fatherly hug. Joey's hugs are something that I often miss from when I used to live here. Since I lost my dad, Joey was the one I started seeing as a father figure. He was the one I could talk to and the one who would often comfort me when I was down. He's always been there for me and I know he will keep being there for me for as long as he lives.

We greet my mother, Guillermo, Moni, and Marcus. Lauren was sitting on the floor, playing with a stuffed Dumbo and as soon as she heard Harry's voice, she got up and waddled over to him, dragging her toy behind her.

"Hawy!" she screams with a smile on her face. She points to her toy, showing Harry as he crouches down. "Look! 'mbo, 'mbo!" She pushes it into Harry's hands and he plays with her for some time.

Once Gemma and Anne arrive, mum guides us to the dining room. Once we are all seated, two of the maids start setting the plates of food in front of us. "I would like to announce that Guillermo and I cooked this meal tonight," my mother says with a bright smile, placing her hand on top of Guillermo's.

"Sweet Maurine wanted to learn how to cook a new dish and I wanted to show her a typical Spanish dish, and I thought a delicious paella would be perfect for tonight," he explains, looking at her adoringly.

"I bet you cooked everything, Guillermo. Mum burns water," Moni teases and I notice mum blushing slightly.

The plate of food is set in front of me and I look down. Although it looks delightful, the smell of the shrimp and mussels hits my nose and a wave of nausea hits me. I swallow hard, trying to control it, but I take a deep breath, and instead of a wave, this time it hits me like a tsunami.

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