Chapter 29

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Throughout the night Scarlet did not wake up. The doctor said her body is too weak at them moment, and that may contribute to her not opening her eyes. It's so frustrating to see her like this. It makes me anxious and afraid to think that maybe she won't wake up. I need her to open her precious blue eyes so that I can in a way redeem myself from being such an ass to her.

I received a call from Claire letting me know she called Scarlet's mother and sister. Monique got here pretty fast, but there is no sign of Maurine.

I walk back into the hospital room where Scarlet is, and I see Monique crying and pushing back her sister's hair. "You have to wake up, Muffin. Remember you're going to be an auntie, and my baby's god mother. Please open your eyes," I hear her say and it breaks my heart to hear her voice so broken. I know Scarlet and Monique are very close, and seeing her like this is destroying her.

Monique looks up and sees me standing by the door. "Why isn't she waking up?" she asks.

"The doctor said her body is really weak from blood loss. That it may take a few days for her strength to come back." I say, quietly.

"Harry, you should go rest. You look exhausted."

"I'm not going anywhere, Monique. I have to be here in case she wakes up. I'm not leaving her side." I say. "You're the one who needs rest, you've been here all night as well. And you need to be more careful since you're about to... pop?" she laughs softly.

"I would like to stay until she wakes up, but I am pretty tired." She looks at Scarlet and places a kiss on her forehead.

"Hey, Monique?" I say before she exits.

She looks up at me and says, "yes?"

"Did you know about her previous attempt?" I quietly ask her. She looks down and sighs.

"I did. I'm the one who found her. However, the last time she didn't cut her wrists. She swallowed about half a bottle of pills. So I suppose it wasn't as traumatizing as your experience. But it was still very scary." Her voice quivers as she tells me the story.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to upset you more."

"It's okay. I'll go now but I plan on coming back tomorrow. Please call me if anything changes." She gives me a hug and walks away. I go sit next to Scarlet and look at her. For the first time since I met her, I really look at her and take in every detail of her beauty. Even in this state she looks beautiful. Today she looks a little less dead, her skin is going back to normal.

"Baby, I need you to open your eyes. I need to be able to apologize for being an asshole to you for so long. I need you to hear what I say and to tell me that you forgive me or that you hate me. Anything. I just want to hear your voice and look into your beautiful blue eyes." I take her hand in mine. "I love you, Scarlet." as soon as these words leave my mouth, one of her fingers twitches. I look from her hand to her face. She's responding! "Hey, Sweetheart. I'm here. Can you squeeze my hand?" her dainty hand squeezes weakly. "Oh god!" I exclaim. A feeling of relief washes through me. She's going to be okay. "God, I love you so much, Scarlet! open your eyes, baby. Please. I love you." Her hand squeezes mine again, and the heart monitor's tempo goes up. I notice her eyelids twitch a little, as if she was forcing herself to wake up. I keep telling her how much I love her, which seems to encourage her to open her eyes.

After a couple of minutes of trying, finally she opens her eyes.

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