Till The End Of The Line

Start from the beginning

"No, please trust me, I can save you! I can help just-" I shouted.

"Steven Grant Rogers look what you've done!" Dad yelled at me. No no no no no no no.

"Don't beat me please Dad don't!"

"Steve?" Bucky asked.

"Y-y-yeah." I said. I was breathing quickly.

"What happened?" He asked and put a hand on my shoulder, "Are you okay?" I gulped. I didn't know. I was just so overwhelmed.

"No." I said quietly. I felt kinda shaky.

"Okay, relax. It will be okay."

"I failed them." I said. I stared at the old picture of my mom and I, it was ripped from when I was six and Dad died. I buried that piece which held his face in the ground. Just like I did in my mind.

"Who, you only save people. You saved millions from Insight and you saved me from Hydra, you can do no wrong, hell, you won't even kill a mosquito." Bucky said. He held my hand with his flesh hand and squeezed it, "I love you."

I nodded and cried into his shoulder. He rubbed my back and put his hand on my shoulder. I must've cried myself to sleep because I woke up next to Bucky who was already awake. Sunlight streamed into our, I mean my, room.

Bucky's POV

Steve went back to his room. I can't believe I helped Hydra. I know I was brainwashed and stuff but I was stupid, if I just tried to think of him.

"Stop! I already know that! I'm stupid!" I heard Steve shout from his room. Maybe he was having an argument with himself in his head, he did that a lot. I've started to remember some things and especially the reasons why I love him.

"I'm sorry! I tried my best!" I heard his yell again, now I was getting suspicious, what if he was having a nightmare, whenever he gets them they're bad. Please don't let it be a nightmare. I ran over to his room.

"Steve?" I knocked on the door but he didn't answer, I opened it and saw him thrashing in his bed. Dammit!

"Steve it's just a dream." I said softly.

"Buck, what about us! I love you!" Steve said. My heart melted a little when he said that he loved me but I had to get back to the task at hand.

"Wake up you Steve!" I shouted, I had to wake him up now.

"No, please trust me, I can save you! I can help just-" I heard from Steve's room as I ran to the freezer in the kitchen to get an ice pack, cold things always woke him up.

"Don't beat me please Dad don't!" Steve shouted. I put the ice pack on his face and he shot up. I put the ice pack on the ground.

"Steve?" I asked.

"Y-y-yeah." Steve said. He was hyperventilating.

"What happened?" I asked and put my hand on his shoulder, "Are you okay?" He looked so overwhelmed and shaky.

"No." He said quietly.

"Okay, relax. It will be okay."

"I failed them." He said.

"Who, you only save people. You saved millions from Insight and you saved me from Hydra, you can do no wrong, hell, you won't even kill a mosquito." I said. I held his hand with my flesh hand and squeezed it, "I love you."

He nodded and cried into my shoulder. I rubbed his back and put my hand on his shoulder. He cried himself to sleep and I eased him onto his bed. I got in his bed and laid down next to him.

I woke up a dawn, still an old hydra habit. I smiled as I watched him sleep peacefully I smiled. What did he mean about his dad beating him? I thought his dad died in the first war? He woke up and look at me.

"Hey." I said quietly.

"Hey Buck." He said. We got dressed and ate breakfast. I was happy to just be with him, no words were needed. We sat down outside in the garden.

"Um, Steve, I don't know if your okay to talk about this but, uh, you said your dad beat you, erm, if that true?" I asked.

"Yeah. Uh, I kinda lied for a hundred years to you and I'm sorry but it isn't something I like talking about. He did die in the war but it was because of drinking too much." Steve said quietly. I put my arms around him and hugged him. He hugged me back.

"I love you." I whispered in his ear.

"Me too," He said, "You know, technically we've been dating for 85ish years so maybe it's time you move in?" He asked.

"My boxes haven't even been unpacked in my room yet, it would make things easier." I said. He kissed me and I kissed back.

"Ha! Clint owes me five bucks!" Tony's kid said, what's his name? Peter! Why he was upside down in a tree, I do not know.

"I'm sorry but there is only one Buck here." Steve said.


Steve and I went to a park near our old neighborhood. We dug out an old rusted box. Steve opened it and he started to cry. I rubbed his back and looked at what was in the box. A picture and a belt. I could only assume what the belt was used for and the picture was of a man, his father.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, lets go back." He said. He closed the box and put it under his arm. We took his motorcycle back and went to the fire pit in the courtyard area. I started a fire while Steve looked at the picture.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Let it burn." He said and tossed the picture in the fire.

"Feel better?"

"Yeah, I just have one more thing to put in there. This belt hit my back 96 times. It's time it burns." He said. He rolled up the belt and tossed it in the fire. He smiled.

"Oh! A fire! I have s'mores supplies!" Peter said and ran out with chocolate, graham crackers, and marshmallows.

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