123. Life With EXO: EXO Special

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Exo Special


"Let the happy couple open their presents now!" One of the members shout.

You two laugh as his friends always made fun of you two and "fanboyed" over you guys. 

"Here you go Oppa~" You hand him his present.

"I wonder what's in here?"

"I wonder what he got here!" Another member says.

"Oh my gosh.."

"Do you like it Oppa?"

"Ani... No..."

"Bo.. Wae..." Everyone starts chatting.

"I love it!~"

"Yah~ Oppa!" You push him slightly.

"Mianhae~" He looks over at you.

He tries to hug you and kiss you while puckering, but you resist and push him away.

"Yah Oppa!"

"Ah lovebirds~ Show us your present!"

He gives up and lets go.

He grabs his present and raises it in the air.


"Wah~ You're so lucky!"

"Can you share with me?"

"Ani~" He laughs.

He looks over at you and hands you a large box.

"I wonder what's in here... it's light." You state.

"Just open it." He insists. 

You open to find another box.

"Yah~ What did you give her?"

You open that box to find another box.

"What the heck! What is your present!" Another also feeling amused.

You open another box to find another. You end up at the tiniest box and final box, the seventh one.

You hold on the box to him.

"What can be in that tiny box?" Another member speaks up.

"Don't tell me it's a..."

You open the box.


"Ring! Wait what did she say?" One of the guys hit him. "Mianhae~"

"You got her boxes?" Everyone looks at him.


"Bo? This is all confusing watching you two..."

"Her present is right in front of her..."

"Bo?" You say. It takes you seconds to finally process everything. "Oh my gosh..."

He laughs then takes a bow out of his pocket. He puts it on top of his head and wraps his arm around you.

"I'm your present~"

"Aye!~" His members shout, looking at the scene.


[Read please]

I just wrote this in 13 minutes. my goodness. I wanted to write to you guys with my thanks because it finally reached 300k. Ah. I am so happy. thank you guys. to me this is a exo special, for racing it this far and seeing in my emails and notifications; that there voting following and reading and everything.

lol so who is this present? I dont know haha, whoever your bias is. (Mine,  Lu ^^). What did you give your exo person as a gift too?

please read my other stories if you have a chance ^^ I have been updating a lot and adding more chapters. some are under 1k right now.


*we got married- Luhan in exo as an idol getting married to young model. they both have bren chosen by thr producer because they are both successful and young currently but they have no relationship experience. this story will be somewhat same as the show but will take a different ending (hint hint)

*Committing to you: girl's mom asked her friend to borrow money to save her husbands store. she decides the debt will be gone, but it led to her marrying luhan, the ceo of L - mall.

*north and south what is love:  a north Korean luhan escapes. he ends up in south and meets a family of three, with a daughter of thr same age.

*thr exchange student: she is an only child bjt her parents once and while takes an exchange student. for the first time they have an exchange student from China, Luhan.

Life With EXO: Imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن