154. Life With EXO: EXO

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"I told you to wear warm clothing..." He trails off. "Look at you". He chuckles quietly.

He did warn you, as you recall.

"Do you want to go hiking?"


"Yeah... I thought it would be fun.." He smiles. "We haven't been out in a while, and we haven't done something I like.."


You nod to his idea.

He smiles brightly automatically.

"I can't wait to go hiking with you..." He runs over to give you a quick hug. "Remember to wear warm clothes". He says as he pats your back.

"You're shivering and it's only been like two twenty minutes," He says as he starts taking off his jacket.

"No," You state trying not to stutter. "No, you keep it on Oppa..." You grab his arm.

"Come on, I can live without a jacket..." He ends up giving his jacket to you. "I would get in so much trouble if you came home sick.."


You frown a bit, but he laughs go himself. He zips up the jacket for you and helps you adjust your bag.

"Now come on, let's go on his hiking adventure date!"

Minutes did feel like hours at a few moments. Yes, it was true. You've finally went his idea for a date. Usually he would offer options and you chose, or you would bring up ideas yourself. You didn't want to say no, and it was a great plan anyway.

To go into the woods and discover something new. Get into nature and enjoy it. But at certain times, all you wanted to do was crawl into bed after walking so long.

It was a fall adventure.

"Here's your water..." You give it to him and glance at him also. "Oh gosh, you're sweaty..." You giggle.

You pat his forehead. "Thank you~" He says while chewing on a granola bar.

"Well, it's not that bad," You say trying to sound positive. It's very beautiful out here, but my feet hurt at times..."

"Do you want me to carry you?" He smiles while crumbling up the wrapper.

"Oppa," You say. "You're sort of sweaty. Imagine carrying me. I'm so heavy that you're going to be extra sweaty..."

"Don't say that to yourself.." Sounding a but upset. He dislikes it when you think negative about yourself.

"It's really fine, I can just-"

You quickly jump into his arm and squeal.

"What!" He panics. "What! What!" He repeats himself.

"A snake!" He quickly turns around to your answer and stays silent for a moment.

"It's just a large twig..." He say trying not to laugh.

Mental facepalm.

"Now look at you.." He takes a tissue. "You're sweating just seeing a snake..."

"I could of died!" You emphasized. "A heart attack!"

"Well, I would saved you..." He says while patting your back to relax you.

"Oh boy... I just need a nap..." You try a deep breath."

"Then do so...."

"How?" You look at him with a questioning look.

"Well I'll hug you," He says wile wrapping his arms tighter. "You're in my arms, just sleep. You're safe...."


I've finally updated. I know it's short. Longer note will be posted (hopefully) on next update. I hope you enjoyed. I apolgize for not updating. I love you for your love always. I see your notifications everyday.

As a Senior, I just finished my first quarter, and I'm applying to colleges. I've been accepted to 2. I have a prayer request for my next preparation for ACT and college applications. That's all I ask.

Happy October xoxoxox

follow me on ig: @ aznmaria07

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