144. Life With EXO: Luhan

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"Are you leaving now?" You stand up as you hear him close the door.

He turns around.

"Yeah... I should get going now... the press conference will start soon.." Luhan says as he walks out.

You notice him wearing shorts again with a new polka dot shirt.

"Take a picture for me~" He says while giving you his phone.

"Say cheese~" You joke around.

He puts on his sunglass and poses.

"Done~" You hand him his phone. "What is it for Luhan?"

"Just to update my fans in a little bit about the press conference..."

"I'm so excited for The Great Wall!" You cling onto his arm.

"You should come with me.." Luhan looks down at you because of your height.

"It's okay..." You tell him. "I can just watch it through live stream like I have before.."

Before he leaves, he says one last goodbye and hugs you.

"I'll call you before, during my break-"

"And after everything is done..." You cut him off. "I know. You always do Oppa."

He smiles and puts his mask on. He waves before he enters the van.

After setting up your laptop, you sat on your couch to only see a update from Luhan's Studio on Weibo.

"Filming's over, can wear big shorts again. See you in a bit..."

You laugh as you see the picture you took, but then you take a moment to think to yourself.

Luhan had been persuading for you to come with him. He even asked to disguised you as one of his stylists before. But you've always rejected knowing the consequences if you got caught.

Of course. It would be hard to keep it a secret. Trying not to get caught by the tabloids.

You had some stuff at his place. He had some stuff at your place. It was always Luhan coming to your house to visit. Whether he was tired and wanted to rest because it was close. Or he wanted to hang out and visit you. He always had the urge to make sure you were happy and cared for.

Yet you couldn't do the same back to him. You guys lived far. Luhan would tell you it's alright, and it's not a burden. He liked to get out of the house once and while and go to your house because it was peaceful. You rarely got to visit his home because of the media being so close to him.

But somehow you guys managed to keep your relationship for a long time. Luhan was always worried if you wanted to leave him because it was kept as a secret as a beginning. But Luhan said he'd be ready if one day if the news were to announced it.

Luhan said he would announced it himself if you were ready. It would be nice wouldn't it? But you feared what would happen afterwards, especially for Luhan.

But he always told you to not fear.

"When you're ready, I'm ready..." Luhan would say. "I'm going to protect you..."

The alarm turns on, and you look to see Luhan on the screen.

To be honest, I want to protect you Luhan.


^_^ Hehehehe. Happy July 2nd! I cannot believe it's already July. Summer is going to be over soon! Ah!

I'm so excited for his press conference. I've been following the hashtag and seen so many cute pictures, lol ♡

Luhan 오빠. .. Lu Han 鹿晗 루한 오빠~ Hwaiting! Fighting! Jia You!
I've been trying my best to make more like "detailed" parts, because you know me. I am all about dialogue. And I know I do a lot of it; It seems more easier and comfortable for me.

But I'm challenging myself to try to lots of more. So if it doest make sense, sorry~

Thank you for all the love ♡

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