167. Life With EXO: Luhan

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"I hate when we argue," He sighs.

You stay silent.

You hated aruging with him too.

"Come on, it's New Years Eve..." He touches your shoulder slightly.

"Can you please give me a moment to myself?"

He sighs again.

"Sure," He lets go. "Take your time." He closes the bedroom door.

This time you sigh. Your head hurts. You hated aruging and bickering over the littlest things with him. Even if it came to food, clothing, how things work, and more, everything worked out in the seven year relationship.

But as an Aries man and Taurus lady, there would be rare arguments once and a while. He would be fast and quick, while you were calm.

In rare cases, you personalities would clash, but most cases, you guys found to work things out.

Because in the end, it always ended that way.

You lay down and recollect your thoughts again.

To be honest, in the end, you guys always managed to compromise your problems. To be honest, you think you guys only fought less than twenty times.

You hear a knock on the door. You look over to see a piece of paper slipped under the door. You slowly get up and pick up the piece of paper.

"Aish~" You walk over to your bed. "It's dark over there." With the natural light from outside, you open the letter.

"I didn't plan on falling in love with you, and I doubt if you planned on falling in love with me. But once we met, it was clear that neither of us could control what was happening to us. I fell in love with you not for how you look, just for who you are..."

Oh gosh.

"You always supported me in my good and bad times. Even when I was working, debuting, and working again..."

Oh Lu.

"You scheduled your work according to my comfort and was always there to take care of me no matter what. I love the feeling that I get when you hold my hand and tell me that you love me..."


You look up to see his face with the door slowly opening.


"Oh Baobei, don't cry~" He quickly walks over to you. "I hate to see you cry." He quickly sits down and wipes away your tears with his prickly sweater.

"How can I not, ge?" He look up at him. "This is so sweet."

"Please forgive me..."

"No, forgive me."

He starts chuckling.

"This is what we always say," He removes the strands of hair hiding your face. "And we go on and on about forgiveness..."

He takes a moment to observe you.

"You still look the same as the first time I met you..." He smiles. "So beautiful and young."

You scoff at his compliment.

"You still look young yourself," You scrunch your nose. "That baby face who has dyed his hair many times..." You chuckle as you run your hands through his purple gray ash hair.

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