30 days of little space

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If anything to do with little space makes you uncomfortable, I would advise you to leave now

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If anything to do with little space makes you uncomfortable, I would advise you to leave now. That's what this is about. Getting to know me, as I am in fact a little

1. Do you sleep with a stuffie
I have like 8 squishymellows, and I usually sleep with one wrapped up in my arms

2. Do you have a caregiver?
I mean...my little space is 5-6 years old. And I'm pretty aware of the things around me, so I'm pretty good on my own. But no, not really. The closest thing to a caregiver I have is my mom

3. How many stuffies to you have?
Two many to count. Same with dolls

4. Favourite time of the year?
Spring because its warm and I like the smell of spring. The flowers blooming, the trees

5. Favorite Disney prince/princess
My favorite disney movie isnt a princess one...but if I had to choose, probably Roman. He is a disney prince

6. Favorite little space sweet/candy?
Anything I can gets my hands on really. I really like skittles though

7. What do you do while in little space?
Mostly mumble nonsense under my breath, hum random songs and watch movies or nap/cuddle with plushies

8. Stuffies or blankeys?
Blankeys. I like really soft yet heavy blankets in bed and soft and light fir when I want to walk around with it over my shoulders and around my whole body

9. Favourite animal
I don't really have one anymore actually. Probably rats though

10. Coloring or drawing?
I prefer to colour. Drawing makes me kinda upset because I think I suck at it

11. Favourite hobby?

12. Favorite Disney movie?
Coco!!! On the weekends sometimes I'll watch it like 5 or 6 times

13. Favorite little space snack
Chips, cheese and crackers or cereal. Which ever is easier to get

14. Do you use a paci?

15. Do you use diapers

16. Favorite color?
Was pink for a really long time and now I'm leaning for towards sky blue and purple. Pastel colors let's say

17. What is your zodiac sign?
Pisces! I was born on March 11th

18. Describe your ideal little date
Well, whenever I think about I imagine my partner just holding me and cuddling me, while we watch shows and movies, eat pizza. Then at bedtime, I'm snuggled up close to their chest, their arms around me.
(I'm such a bottom holy crap)

19. Build-a-bear or Disney stores?
I've been to one disney store and one build-a-bear in my life. I really like stuffed animals so I'll have to say build-a-bear

20. Do you participate in petplay? If so which animal?
No, only because I'm single. If I did have a partner and they were into it, probably.

21. Do you have a blankey?
I have lots of blankeys. But I have one that a friend got me for my birthday a few years ago that I adore and sleep with every night. It's hot pink and maroon and is super duper soft super comfy

22. What is your little/middle age range?
When in little space I'm about 5 maybe 6 years old. I think it changed because I used to be much younger, like maybe 1 or 2

23. Do you have any furry babies? (Pets)
I have a dog and two cats at my moms, and two dogs and two cats at my dads. I'm usually at my moms house and my kitty Hoser is my fur baby

24. Favourite tv show(s)?
How I Met Your Mother, Stranger Things, Sanders Sides, I like anime and I really like horror and scary stuff

25. Favorite game?
Video game or board game? Video game would be My Heros One Justice 2, based off my favorite anime. And board game...wait does solitaire count? I really like solitaire

26. Favorite disney character?
Dante!! (Coco. He's the dog in the movie)

27. Favorite tv show character
I'm treating Sanders sides as a TV show. Logan Sanders!!

28. What do you eat when its snack time?
Whatever mama says I can have. Apples and peanut butter is my fav!!

29. One thing you want? (Little/pet gear)
Honestly...a sippy cup. I'm the most clumsy thing ever and always spill on myself. A sippy cup may help with that

30. Talk about one unique thing about you.
Uh....I'm like the most boring person ever. I guess I can tell you basically what happens while I'm in little space.

It usually happens when I get either super anxious or upset, or when I'm like OVERLY happy about something. I get giddy, giggly and bouncy, more then usual. I almost always have music on, so I'm usually singing along, or repeating random noises
Da ba do blue. Things like that. I repeat those alot. I watch my shows, and (more then usual) can not stay still.

Most people that I've ever talked to about it have said "That's just your ADHD," or "How do you know? You're not diagnosed,"
My  bestfriend on the other hand asked me to explain what little space was so she could better understand it.

I believe I've been a little for about...5 years? I only ever learned about it a few months ago but looking back I was definitely a little. My little space age has changed a bit, I used to be super little in it, and now I'm a bit older. But that kinda makes sense, nothing stays the same for that long

I hope this helped you get to know me a little better...I'm working on a few chapters still so those should (hopefully) be out soon

Love you guys so much!!

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