No one seemed to notice your presence in your homeroom, and that was fine with you. You were there to observe anyway, get information. Not to make friends. You pulled out your phone and used the time to send a quick update to Jean. You had made it to the school okay, and that it was going to be easy enough to get accustomed.

You were only supposed to stay a couple of months. Three or four, max. But if you didn't think you would find anything of interest, it was your call to come back early. As a teenager with the literal powers of observation, it made the most logical sense to send you.

You hadn't noticed anything out of the ordinary as you slowly made it through the day, introducing yourself in classes, doing work you've already learned. The thought of maybe Midtown was a mutant free school crossed your mind, but then again, it was only your first day and it wasn't even half over.

Walking into your Algebra II class, your teacher, Mrs. Wren, let you skip the introductions and take a seat before beginning the class like nothing had changed. Which you were grateful for. You were getting pretty sick of the saying your name constantly to other people, and you wondered why you didn't just come up with a whole new identity.

What wasn't different though, was the way everyone in the class seemed to look at you whenever they could, whispering about the new kid in between doing their work. You rolled your eyes and sighed, taking notes as well making sure your own eyes flickered over every student in the class, memorizing their faces. You couldn't help it, anyway.

The only empty seat was next to a brown haired boy who was preoccupied with his laptop until you had appeared next to him, politely asking for him to push in his seat so you could walk through. With a nervous smile, he shut the screen and complied, letting you pass behind him.

He hadn't said anything to you yet, just as you hadn't said anything to him. But you knew more about him that he probably would think.

There's a fading yellow bruise on the side of his face. It isn't too noticeable, like he tried to cover it up with makeup. He's broken his nose before, maybe multiple times. He might possibly get into fights often, but it's more likely he's accident prone going off of the way he's been nervous the entire time he's been sitting here, bouncing his leg and glancing over. Looks alone...he doesn't seem like a troublemaker.

Copying calculator shortcuts into your notebook, you saw the boy next to you open his laptop again. This time, angling the screen slightly away from you as if he didn't want you to see what he was doing.

That's a pretty old model. It's clearly been used. Maybe short on money, or very determined to use it as long as he can before buying an upgrade. Most likely the former going off of his clothes. They fit, but just barely. Tight around his arms. His muscles are clearly visable. Nervous boy works out. Maybe rethink that goody two shoes act.

You were pulled from your thoughts when you saw another boy out of the corner of your eye. He was leaning back in his seat, two rows up, but looking directly at you.

"Yo, new kid,"

Oh. There's always at least one of these guys.

Not letting your annoyance show just yet, you slowly looked up. His black hair was slicked back in what he must've thought was a cool fashion, and he had a flirty smirk on his lips.

Rich. Spoiled. Who else would flaunt a Rolex at a public school?

"Why're you sitting next to Penis Parker? One word, and I can get you the best seat in the class right next to me. It has the best view." In your peripheral vision, the boy next to you eyes widened and there was another glance in your direction.

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