Subway Boy

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There's this boy you see on the subway every morning.

Ever since you started Midtown School of Science and Technology, you started taking the subway, since it was only one stop away to the school from where you lived.

Since kindergarten, you, your mom, and your older brother had always walked to school; you'd always been in walking distance. Whenever you asked why, her answer always changed, varying from "to keep you healthy" to "the school is close enough"

So when the three of you moved, and you had transferred schools, you instantly jumped at the chance that it was farther away from the regular public school you would have otherwise went to and started pleading. Eventually, your mom caved in and let you travel via subway.

Quickly, you realized you had hyped it up way too much, but in the end, you still got the same things you wanted: a sense of freedom from traveling alone and a newfound responsibility. You don't mind it, to an extent. The days it's really crowded and cramped, and you have no room to move with the other people, are the days your inner introvert and awkwardness makes itself known and you try to make yourself as small and unnoticeable as possible.

The first day went well, as well as it could go, and you made it to and through school no problem. It was the second day of your new way of travel that things changed.

On the second day, the middle of the week, you saw a boy. He had to be no older than you, and he was just standing a couple people away. He had wavy brown hair, and you could see the brightness in his chestnut eyes from where you were. You were always a sucker for pretty brown eyes. Your gaze fell on him while you were studying the people around you. You always were aware of your surroundings. You never knew when and where someone could be a potential threat to you.

Even though he was just standing there like you, listening to music like you, minding his own business, you felt drawn to him. There was something about him that just made you feel like he was special.

Or maybe it was just because you thought he was really cute and that it was just the start of a major crush.

In the back of your head, you'd hoped that he was also a Midtown student, but you being you, when the stop came to get off, you had lost sight of him and couldn't see if he had gotten off as well or not.

Getting used to school was probably easier than the high school you went to before. After a week, you hadn't really made any friends, and that was fine by you, being a loner was your thing. But you had adjusted nicely to the advanced classes you were in.

Surprisingly though, or not surprising at all, going to school isn't what got you out of bed in the morning. It was to see that cute boy on the subway on the way to school. Although he had yet to notice you, so you thought, and you hadn't had the courage to talk to him, you wanted to see him. You had always lost him after getting off anyway.

One day, you found yourself glancing at the boy again. It wasn't like you could help it. But this time, he was also looking at you, interest on his face. When the two of you found each other's eyes, an immediate blush started to creep onto your features, and he sent you a shy smile that you could only mirror before the both of you looked away.

Ever since that day, you would occasionally catch each other sending quick glimpses in the direction of the other, and the same actions would repeat themselves. Neither of you working up the nerve to actually speak a word.

Your question of if he went to Midtown was answered when you spotted him at a lunch table nestled comfortably in the middle of the cafeteria.

You realized that you had never seen him before because you had made the habit of spending your lunch period in the library, where you could be productive and read and write.

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