Noticed From A Distance

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A/N: one of the couple pre- spider bite/ Spider-Man ideas that I have in my head, and the first to be written down.
*It's Only A Word-Part Five will be up on Sunday!*
Warnings: Peter's budding superpowers leads to a pretty sticky situation. (I'm sorry, but not really) And little teensy bit of language, like, borderline PG-13 language

"I see you staring at him again," Your best friend harshly pulled you out of your thoughts, and you jumped at the sudden thrust back into reality.

"W-what? No, I wasn't staring at anyone." You argued quickly, dropping your eyesight from the back of Peter's head and to your Global Studies worksheet.

"You're such a liar, Y/N, just talk to him!" She laughed, shaking her head before focusing back on her work as the teacher's head shot up and glared at her for talking.

"You know I can't," You whispered back, glancing at her. "What if he doesn't like me?"

Frowning, she waited until the teacher shifted her gaze before speaking. "Are we even talking about the same person? Peter Parker? Y/N, that boy is probably the biggest nerd in the school, have you seen him? He wears glasses, is in band and robotics club, and gets straight A's. Dude, you are so out of his league, he has to like you. Pssh, he probably won't even know how to talk to you, he'll like you too much!"

"That's not what I was talking about," You muttered embarrassingly, feeling your face heat up and you shrank in your seat a little at your best friends smirk.

"Honestly Y/N, I'm not sure why you even like him. He's not even cute cute."

"What?" You heard yourself argue before you even thought about it, and quieted when she raised her eyebrows teasingly at you. "Yes he is," You admitted sheepishly, feeling your face flush even more.

"And here I am, thinking I might've taught you better, but you'd rather stare at the class weirdo instead of the football team with me," She sighed. "But I'm your bestie, and I support any crush you have, so here's my plan."

"Plan?" You shook your head. "N-no, no plan. I don't want a plan."

"Why not?" She turned to you, glancing at Peter quickly, and then the teacher, who was reading. "You've been pining over this guy since 7th grade. I think it's about time you have your first real conversation with him that isn't school related."

"That won't go well. I won't even be able to string a sentence together!"

"You're hopeless!" She sighed, flinging her hands up and bringing them back down on the desk. "Utterly and completely in love with him, but hopeless."

"Shut up, Y/F/N," You mumbled, taking one last look at Peter, who had pushed his glasses up while he stared out of the window, and you had a clear view of the side of his face, and felt yourself smiling before you put your pen back to your paper.

Maybe your best friend couldn't figure out why you had the biggest crush on Peter Parker, but you definitely did. The entire time you've known him, he's always been so passionate about everything he did. He worked so hard in band, being part of the first trumpets (you had joined band the year after he had. Not because of Peter, you told yourself, because you genuinely did enjoy the class), and he was so smart, seemingly naturally. He was always so nice to everyone, and just seemed like an overall great guy.

You didn't know what Y/F/N was talking about, but Peter was probably the most attractive person you had ever laid eyes on. She probably wasn't lying when she said you were out of his league. At least to her, you were. But in your mind, it was the other way around.

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