It's Only A Word - Part Five

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A/N: In attempts to not spoil real authors note...
Happy Easter!
Warnings: emotions are everywhere

You went home ecstatic after that night watching movies with Peter and May, but you couldn't stop your mind from generating the worst case scenarios as you were trying to sleep, keeping your eyes wide open with thought staring at the ceiling in the dark.

What if Peter found his soulmate?

Right now, it seemed like he hadn't. You thought he was just like you, because you never saw his words. He kept them covered with the long sleeves of his shirts and sweaters. Lately, you hadn't seen him without one on. You had the hopeful thought that he believed in the same thing as you, finding someone you loved and cared about without the universes' tampering. But at the same time, he also seemed inexperienced with hiding the words, like he had just made that decision. And that's what gave you doubts.

He might be happy now, but would he really go against everything everyone has been doing; spending your life with your soulmate, if he ever found them? You weren't sure if he loved you enough to do that, dammit, you weren't even sure if he loved you at all, the two of you were only teenagers. For all you knew, it just might be a phase for him, when it was your beliefs.

According to your parents, most everyone goes through that phase, dating someone who isn't your soulmate. Sometimes it's because of loneliness, sometimes it's so they could experience their firsts because they were getting impatient.

Your thoughts only got worse when you found yourself slipping your leather cuff off. You wouldn't have been able to see the black ink before, but now the gold shimmered even in the dark. It wasn't quite luminescent, but rather catching whatever light was in the dark room and reflecting it.

You frowned as you stared up at your wrist, and the thought about why the words were gold in the first place; it was because you had already met your soulmate. Were you being selfish now? If Peter was just in that phase of his life, did you really want to get invested in a relationship with all you had just to know it wasn't going to last? Should you end things with him, as much as you didn't want to, because you know he would have someone out there that was meant for him? When you already had someone that was supposed to be meant for you?

You thought about how you should talk to Peter before things got serious. Maybe the two of you didn't have to stop something great that literally just started, but you owed it to him to tell him you already found your soulmate, and that if he wanted too, you wouldn't stop him from being with his.

But that kiss, even if it was your first one, you could tell it was special because of more than just that. You had never felt that happy before, and that's how you knew by planning to talk to Peter was the right choice. He had to know the full truth and the decision had to be his if you wanted to keep that happiness.


"Hey, Y/N," the voice was a whisper, but that whisper still scared you as you were sitting on the roof of you apartment complex in the quiet of the night. Well, quiet consisting of the sounds of horns and cars moving on the street below. You were going to scream, but you cut your voice off quick when you turned around to see the infamous webslinger besides you once again.

"Oh." You let out a shaky breath from your nerves being all over the place, and they calmed down. "It's only you."

"Only me?" Spider-Man asked, but then shook his head. "You know what, that doesn't matter. I need to talk to you!" You raised your eyebrow quizzically and turned around to face him, noting the excited tone of his still familiar, muffled, voice.

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