When It Comes To The Avengers, Multiple Turkeys Are Needed [HolidayVerse]

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A/N: I normally don't update this late, but I had to wait until after I had finished cooking/eating/cleaning up dinner to finish this up. I burned the fingers I need to play violin, but the food was great if I do say so myself. This is a special Thanksgiving chapter, so I really wanted to put it up today. Like I said, this chapter is Thanksgiving themed (how's your holiday going? Or gone, if you're reading this after. Or just how was your day if you don't celebrate?) and takes place in the same "universe" as the Halloween oneshot It's Spooky Time. I've had the idea since I posted that chapter to sort of tell the story of Reader and Peter's relationship progression via holiday themed chapters, and I actually decided to act upon it. I have no idea how long it will last (Christmas, New Years, Valentine's Day, etc.,), but I'll keep everyone updated! Hope you all enjoy!!

You took a deep breath with your hands on your hips as you stood in front one of the Compound's many kitchens; the biggest one, to be precise.

You needed as much room as you could so you could become the busy tornado you were going to have to in just a matter of time.

"All right," you muttered to yourself as you opened the refrigerator, ready to make a list of the ingredients you still needed to buy. "Let's get down to business."

Pulling out a small notebook and a pen from your pocket, you hummed as you noted what needed to be restocked, and the food you still needed to buy for the rapidly approaching holiday.

Shutting the fridge with your foot, you preceded to let yourself get lost in Disney songs as you hopped up onto the counter and flipped the page to where you had jotted down everyone's names.

Pepper had put you in charge of Thanksgiving management and dinner. At first she tried to bargain with you, not wanting you to take on responsibility for the whole holiday, but you insisted. Before Morgan, no one really celebrated holidays around the Compound unless you kickstarted them, so you had the experience. Instead you assured her that she, Morgan, and Tony should spend Thanksgiving Day at her parents, and when they got back everything (including dinner) would be taken care of.

"Okay," you hopped off the counter and glanced up at the ceiling as if you could actually see anything other than the fading footprints from when Peter didn't want to dirty the floor but somehow forgot to think that the ceiling would also stain. "Hey Heimdall, in case I can't get to him, d'you think you could remind Thor to be here around noonish? That's because I know he'll be late. And tell Loki to warn me about showing up early while I'm still in prep unless he wants to be bested in his weapon of choice again." You paused, staring down st your list of names. "Oh, and if you wanna stop by you're welcome to, of course. We'll have more than enough food, and you know, the more the merrier."

There were people you knew were going to be there, like Steve and Bucky, the Stark's once they came back from the Potts', but there were still people you needed to call and get final answers from, like Natasha, Wanda, and Pietro. Normally they spent the holiday at the Barton farm. This was the first official year you were actually hosting at the Compound, so you wanted to see if they had finalized their plans yet.

"Who were you just talking to?" You turned your head at the sound of Peter's voice as you reached into your pocket for your phone.

"Just Heimdall." You twisted and crossed your legs underneath you on the countertop as Peter leaned against the counter in front of you.

"But he doesn't have a phone?" He asked confusedly and you let out a short snort.

"He's omniscient. All seeing, all hearing. Don't need a phone to communicate with him. All you gotta do is mention his name and he gets an alert someone's trying to get his attention like a text. He ignores the unimportant ones, but we're friends, so he knows to tune in to me when I mention his name."

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