036- "Clone vs. Clone: Mine are Better than Yours!"

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The team realises soon enough that the clones are not physical; they are in fact another genjutsu. In order to draw out the assailants, Naruto disguises several of his shadow clones as his teammates and fights the enemy clones all night. When Team Oboro believe that the entire team is exhausted from combat, Y/n, Kabuto, Sakura, and Sasuke corner them.

"Naruto take a break," Sasuke ordered. You used a lot of chakra and should be unable to move."

However, Naruto rushes forward and punches all three of the Ame genin, surprising Sasuke, Kabuto and Sakura, with Kabuto realising that Naruto's chakra levels must be exceedingly high to still be able to fight after pulling off a Multiple Shadow Clone Technique along with a Transformation Technique.

It didn't shock Y/n though. Y/n could see his chakra due to her Byakugan, that energy from the Land of Waves, there's something stronger.

After a brief struggle, Naruto knocks out the enemies and takes their scroll, at which point we head to the tower and meet with Kabuto's team.

"Alright we made it!" Naruto breaths heavily and high fives Y/n.

"Great, now we can finally go on to something else," Sakura says feeling her short hair.

Y/n notice her face saddened.

"I think it's cute," She she comforting her.

"You don't have to lie ya know, Y/n.."

"I'm not, I'd totally cut mine," She laughed.

"Yeah right," she rolled her eyes.

"Fine." Y/n takes her kunai and cuts her hair to her shoulders.

They all looked at her shocked. Especially Naruto.

"You too Y/n!" He cried.

"Hey what do you mean YoU ToO," Sakura punch him feeling insulted. We laughed.

"It's only right tho. My long hair would just get in the way." Y/n obviously knew she could managed with it, but she felt bad for her.

Her and Ino knew she work so hard on getting it long for Sasuke.

"But if she was brave enough to do the unthinkable, I should be as brave and stand tall with her, after all, we are a team."

"Alright guys, I'll catch you guys later," Kabuto waved goodbye.

Unknown to Naruto and his friends, Kabuto is revealed to be a spy from Otogakure, and submits all of the data he gathered on them to his master, Orochimaru.


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