Part 19

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I woke up at 11:30, kinda early but whatever, it was Sunday and I had absolutely nothing to do, today was going to be a boring day. I got up and went downstairs, Diego and his girlfriend were there and she gave me an awkward wave and smile, I didn't really mind or care about what I saw yesterday. I just smiled and waved back, Diego said "good morning rat, your not hanging out with Mattia today?" I said "nahh, why?" He said "idk just asking since you always hang out with him" idk what that meant but whatever, I grabbed some cereal and then I went back upstairs. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought wow, am I really that ugly? How could Mattia like me? I decided to get ready for no reason.

I went to my vanity first and curled my lashes, put mascara on, and then some lipgloss, I don't wear a lot of makeup so that's all I put. I then chose my outfit, I didn't know what to wear tbh, it was warm so I wore:

I just didn't really care today so just something casual, I left my hair alone, I just brushed it out and then I put my perfume, deodorant, and lotion on

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I just didn't really care today so just something casual, I left my hair alone, I just brushed it out and then I put my perfume, deodorant, and lotion on. Diego said "come here y/n" so I went downstairs and he said "get your camera and things cause I want you to take me and Alexis pictures for Instagram." I said "alright, outside or where are we going?" He said "we're going to the park, is that good?" I said "yes that's fine" he said "alright get your stuff, I'll meet you in the car" so I went upstairs to get my phone, my camera and other things I need, I took a little bag with me to carry everything.

Diego drove to the park and I wasn't in the middle today, what was up? I was like mad or idk but then I thought, me and Mattia, what are we? We confessed our feelings already and we kissed like a couple times so idk what we are, I don't wanna ask him cause then it would be awkward. I looked and saw we were already here, wow, time passed by fast, we walked out and Diego immediately went to the grass. He said "take us if one lying down and looking up" I said "alright, ima take one up close where you just out your heads together while lying down." They put there heads together and looked up, I then said "ok, stay like that but this time point toward the sky and act like you guys are looking at the clouds, smile" I took this one from afar so it was a good photo.

Skip to after the pictures

After we were done Diego said "let's go to the store so we can get snacks and food, we can have a picnic here and lay in the grass. I also have a blanket in the back" so we got in the car and went to the grocery store, they stayed inside while I got the food. I grabbed sandwiches and some chips, some plates and then some strawberries, I didn't know what to grab but also a pack of juices. I payed and went back for he car, we drove back to the park and ate there, I was showing then the pictures I took and they were choosing which ones they like to post. It was 1:46 so it was still kinda early, then Mattia called.

Me:hey. Mattia: hey, just wanted to see what you were up to. Me: oh I'm just at the park, I took some photos for my brother and his girlfriend and we're having a picnic. Mattia: that's nice, I wish I was there to have a picnic with you. Me: ha, omg. Mattia: can i ft you or are you too busy. Me: nah, it's okay, Diego and his girl are on the swings anyways.

He FaceTimed me and we were talking for a while till Diego said "alright let's go, I'm ready for a nap" I said "alright, Mattia I gtg but I'll call you later, bye, I love youuuu!" He said "alright, bye, I love you too" so I hung up and we got home.

Skip to night

I was getting tired and I fell asleep while watching movies, today was a good day though, a day at the park and having a picnic. I honestly thought everything was going good.

Hey guys, sorry for the short story, kinda out of ideas so please, if you have any ideas, just lmk and I'll see. Also thank you guys so much for 1k, we got there pretty fast and I was surprised when I first saw it but I appreciate it so much. I've been having problems at home so I'm sorry if I'm not posting often but live you all. ❤️❤️❤️

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