Part 67

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I woke up and it was Tuesday, 9:00, Mattia wasn't next to me so he probably went to work, I got up and heard Max crying, I brushed my teeth real quick and went downstairs. I picked up Max and said "what happened?"

He said "Diego said I can't eat chocolate!" I said "Max, you can't eat chocolate in the morning, you want to eat cereal? I'll make it for you and you can choose which one" he nodded and I walked to the kitchen, I opened the cabinet and he pointed to fruit loops, I put him down and made it for him. He sat down and started eating, I sat by Diego and said "me and Mattia are together again" he said "really?!" I nodded, he said "finally, you guys are seriously meant to be together" I smiled and said "where's my dog?" He shrugged and smiled, I said "can I play with you?" He was playing Call of Duty so he nodded and gave me a controller, I played with him and the whole time he yelled "he's right there! Look behind you! You fucking suck!" I was dying of laughter the whole time so I couldn't even play the game.

After our 2nd match, he said "damn, you fucking suck, I can't even play with you anymore" I laughed and he started another match, Max said "I'm done!" He sat next to me and grabbed my controller, him and Diego played, Diego said "even Max is better than you, wayyy better" I laughed and said "fuck you" I got up and picked up Max's plate. My mom then walked in, she said "sorry, I didn't come home last night because I went to a party and things went by, yk" I nodded, she gets drunk with her friends a lot. She walked to Max and kissed his cheek, she said "my babyyyy!" He said "grandma, I'm playing, hold on."

I said "Max, stop being rude, she's finally home" he hugged her and went back to playing, I rolled my eyes and said "mom, me and Mattia are back together" she said "omg! Finally!" I laughed and told Max "cmon, let's go upstairs" he did his little handshake with Diego and came running to me, I chased him up the stairs and on the bed.

I said "wanna build a big fort and when daddy comes home, we can show him?" He nodded so fast and went to our closet to get blankets, he said "now we need things to put it on top of" I said "chairs" he said "what chairs?"

I shrugged and said "I have two chairs over there, and then we could go get the ones downstairs" he smiled and we began to build, I put music on my speaker and we sang while making a fort. We finished like an hour and a half later, it looked like this 👇

It was bigger and more pillows, Max said "I can't wait to show daddy" I smiled and said "what do you want to do today?" He said "we should make a list of names for the dog and then cross out the ones we don't want at the end

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It was bigger and more pillows, Max said "I can't wait to show daddy" I smiled and said "what do you want to do today?" He said "we should make a list of names for the dog and then cross out the ones we don't want at the end.

I nodded and grabbed a piece of paper, we began to write down names for the dog, in the end, we liked Dino, Kobe, and Oreo. It was 12:14, Mattia gets out at 1:00 so he'll be out soon, Max said "what should we do now?" I said "wanna go outside and play for a little bit?" He said "sure, can I bring my soccer ball?" I said "of course, grab it" we walked outside to the back, he put down the ball and said "I wanna go on the trampoline" I grabbed his hand and we got in the trampoline. We started jumping and having fun, I would bounce him up high and we stayed for about 30 minutes on the trampoline.

Mattia and I 💗Where stories live. Discover now