"This is my gift to you Songbird." Gabriel proclaimed. He had a dominant look in his eyes, and a wicked smile upon his face. it was the same look she hadn't seen since he claimed her two months prior.

"W-why!" Cried Cali, as she could feel the tears pour from her eyes.

"Because of what he did to you." Gabriel replied, as if he was confused by her terrified response. "He deserves this! He disfigured you! You were only fourteen, he deserves to die! I did most of the work. Now you can finish the job. I made it even easier for you. You won't have to hear his pathetic undeserving pleas for mercy. I cut out his tongue."

"Oh my god!" She cried again. "She turned her head, as she couldn't look at either Carl or Gabriel."

"Here!" Said Gabriel as he firmly slapped a gun in her hand. "Finish him off, consider it a mercy killing. Well, more for the rest of world than him."

"No!" She cried as she dropped the gun to the floor. "I refuse to kill anyone, even him!"

"What the hell have you done Gabriel!" Rosy cried out with a look of anger.

"Why didn't you listen to me?" Cried Uncle Sal. "I told you to leave it alone!"

"This has nothing to do with the two of you!" Gabriel exclaimed. "This is between Cali, and me! As well s that piece of shit child molester over there!"

"I thought you could change but you can't!" Cried Cali. "Get away for me you monster! Your not the answer to my prayers, your my nightmare!" She then started to run out of the room, but Gabriel went after her. He grabbed her, but she struggled against his hold.

"Let me go!" She cried, as she tired to loosen herself from his grip. She kept struggling, but he wouldn't release her.

"Cali, listen to me!" He exclaimed. "I did it for you. I did it to end that horrible chapter in your life. I did it to help you!"

"I didn't asked you to!" She cried.

"BASTARD!" She heard her Uncle Sal cry. BANG! She heard the gun shot. Cali was completely aghast by what she saw. Her Uncle Sal turned to her, with a look of horrified regret in his eyes. He had just shot Carl Jenkins dead.

"I'm sorry sweetheart." Her uncle told her. His stance while holding the gun, and the look of regret in his eyes were all to familiar.

Mommy! Daddy!  The horrible memory came flooding back to her.


"Cali!" Her tearful uncle cried.

"NO!" She exclaimed in anger.

"Songbird?" Gabriel began to inquire. She then stared deep into Gabriel's eyes, she felt nothing but burning rage.

"My name is Calliope!" She spat. "I'm reneging on the deal! My life no longer belongs to you!  I don't give a damn if you kill my uncle, or not! Do with that bastard what eve the fuck you want!"


Cali then ran upstairs. Gabriel started to go after her, but Rosy blocked his way.

"She needs to be away form the both of you right now!" Exclaimed Rosy. "If you truly love her, you will give her some space. I'll take care of her, until she cools off! Just let her come home with me for a while!"

"Fine." Gabriel growled with angry tears building up within her eyes. He didn't want to let her go, but at this point, he knew stopping her would have made it worse. He then turned to look at Cali's uncle. The man was just standing there with no expression on his face He was still holding the gun, and covered in Carl Jenkins blood.

"Why couldn't you just have killed me?" The old man cried in a look of teary eyed anger. "Why couldn't you use have left it alone like I asked!"

"What the hell is going on?" Gabriel demanded. He watched as the old man kept pacing back and forth as he dropped the gun on the floor.

"I though I was over it!" The old man cried. "I though I had closure!"

"What are you talking about?" Gabriel asked, as he was feeling mass amounts of confusion.

The old man looked at him and sighed. "Cali finally remembers the man who killed her parents."

"You?' Gabriel cried, as he was stunned by this revelation. "You killed your own nephew, and his wife?"

Again the old man sighed, and dropped his head in a look of shame.

"He wasn't really my nephew, and Cali isn't really my niece." He then looked into Gabriels eyes, as his own eyes were full of tears. "I was never an accountant for your father, and Salvador Russo was never a real person. My real name is Vincent Salvatore."


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