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"Oh lord-"

Walking into the ground Beta, Adaliah was shocked at the sad streamers and depressing balloons hanging around them. Aoyama and Mina were behind her, looking just aghast as she felt, eyes darting every which way. 

"Asking the second years was a bad idea, I presume?" Aizawa mused, laughing lowly at the trio's faces. 

"You must be joking, monsieur. This is-"


Frowning, Adaliah ignored the two behind her, furrowing her brows as she walked further into the building. The other teachers watched her, almost imagining the gears grinding in her head. She carefully caressed the fabric streamers they had bought in prep, wordlessly stretching it between her hands.   

"You guys have some of the most incredible assets here, between Cementoss, Power loader, and Snipe, your decorations could be next level if done correctly. You guys have the arsenal to truly knock this prom thing out of the park, but whether or not you do it correctly- I mean looking at the sports festival alone, you most likely won't-" 

"Liah." Mina smirked as her and Aoyama walked up next to her, pulling the fabric out as well. "What's that brain of yours thinking?"

Looking up, Adaliah took a step back as everyone continued looking at her. Aspen was on a walk with Katsuki and she was all alone.  Her back itched in letting her wings free, but she kept them hidden, biting down the urge to hide away. 

"Uhh...Lunch. I'm thinking lunch-"

"Liah, no-"


With Aspen in tow, Adaliah was ready to start on decorating Ground Beta once more. She had select third years, and first years, with her as well, both groups ready to help the omega. Kai was there too, but he was mostly on babysitting duty as he watched over Aspen. 

"So, how'd you get roped into this?" Tamaki asked, watching as Adaliah kept level with him in flight, holding the other hand of the silk banner. She groaned as she shook her head, holding the fabric stretched across a plank of wood. Snipe was below them,  using a one of a kind nail gun to pin it to the wood. Having those in flight handling any sort of sharp object was quite obviously a bad idea, so having snipe pin them up with his impeccable aim was common sense. 

"I honestly have no idea how I get roped into most things nowadays." Adaliah huffed, letting go of the fabric before lowering herself. The minute her feet touched the ground, Aspen was prancing up to her, collar clinking as Adaliah crouched to be on level with Aspen. The dog panted as she put her paws on the omega's shoulder, licking her all over.   Tamaki was walking over to her, allowing the dog to sniff his hand before he ran it through her soft fur. He had to admit, the dog was probably one of the best cared for dogs in all of Japan. She went on morning runs with Liah around the campus, evening rendezvous with the blond (Tamaki didn't care to know his name. He was the enemy), and was constantly given all the love and attention a dog could ever want . She was exceptionally trained- even for being a service dog- doing all sorts of tricks when asked. 

Maybe that was just because of her owner though. Adaliah had proven time and time again that she was incredible- and getting Aizawa, who was literally a cat on all levels except physical, to fall in love with this dog was further proof of it. Now she was setting up a prom for the entire school? Sure she had help from the staff and fellow teachers, but she was in charge she was acting like an alpha. And she was damn good at it too. With Aspen by her side for her anxiety, she was fierce, demanding and she knew what she wanted done and how it was going  to be done. 

Tamaki was proud of how far she had come,he had a feeling a lot of people were, but something felt different with Tamaki. She had surpassed him with her nerves already, and if it came onto a one on one battle, he wasn't sure he would clench his victory as easily as he once thought. For god's sake, she could've beaten Mirio if she so wished.  Said blond was happily trotting over to them, allowing the dog to sniff his hand before he too began petting her.  

A small glare was sent Tamaki's way, the alphas inadvertently sending scent signals to the other for them to back off. Mirio was even sent back a step, startled by Tamaki's sudden burst of confidence. 

He didn't like it. 

So Mirio took away the source of his confidence.  

He encapsulated Adaliah in conversation about his quirk and their bi-weekly meetups, explaining his quirk was coming back a lot quicker than either had thought. Adaliah had smiled up brightly at him, wishing him good luck with further training before her attention was adamantly caught. Turning, Tamaki watched as Kai sat against the wall, a thick book in his hand as his tongue played with one of his snake bite piercings. Eri was not too far away, just watching him and even Tamaki could feel her nerves from her. 

Kai had shuffled nervously, holding himself in a tighter ball as Eri continued watching him. She had known about the chip, Izuku and Adaliah sitting her down and carefully explaining that what happened to Eri, wasn't anyone's fault but Ayma's. That Kai couldn't control what he was doing when they interacted, and she understood it to an extent. 

That fear was still there though, nothing would change that, you can't just talk away fear. But as Kai seemed to ignore Eri, eyes frequently flicking over to her, it seemed he was just as scared of her as she was of him. 

The trio watched as Eri slowly stood, walking over to Kai before sitting down beside him. She said a couple words to him, the brunet's eyebrows raising slowly. He looked down at her momentarily before she crawled her way onto his lap, startling him for a hot second before he readjusted himself, his mouth moving as if he was reading her. 

Adaliah stayed for a second more before standing and walking over to them as well, Aspen at her ankles. The white-ette sat beside the two, leaning her head on her older brother's shoulder with a laugh as Eri tried sounding out some of the easier words., 

She may have acted as an alpha when needed, but deep down she was an omega who wanted nothing more than cuddles and stability.


Aizawa: Did you take your 9 o'clock pills. 

Adaliah: Three hours ago.

Aizawa: Why in the hell-

Adaliah: Surprise attack the bacteria bitch making me sick.





* On their way to Warbler island*

Flight attendant: Please make sure all small items are secure

Hitoshi: Well?

Adaliah: what?

Hitoshi: Are you secure?


*Shoto and Adaliah cuddling in her room*

Shoto: What are we?

Adaliah: Japanese???


Izuku: Has anyone ever told you you can be really annoying?

Adaliah: Yea.

Izuku: Who? I just wanna talk.


Two chapters? O n e day GASp

WhaT A tReaT.

Also I'm pretty decided on the endings. I think I'm gonna do what I was originally which was a fluff then smut then fluff scene



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