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Adaliah watched as her own black stripes slowly etched towards Izuku, wrapping around his legs, arms and upper body. Every now and then they would fault, stopping to deflect an orb every now and then, but the two remained strong. 

Uraraka and Tsu landed beside them as the duo soon took off running, Eri in their sights.  Izuku shouted something, but Adaliah couldn't hear it, trying to deflect an armory of orbs thrown at her. The only thing that distracted her was the columns of rock erupting everywhere around her, hitting Eri into the air as one rose Chisaaki. 

"You filthy heroes are ruining everything!" Overhaul shouted, Izuku jumping with one for all as Adaliah used her wings. The two both used the rocks around them to help leverage themselves, Eri grabbing the scraps of Lemillion's red cape, quickly jumping off the side of the rock. 

The two white-ette's made eye contact before Adaliah pushed herself further, grabbing Eri with tight arms as her wings wrapped around them, Eri holding on tightly to the omega.  

"I've got you, Eri. I'm not leaving you this time. " Adaliah whispered, nuzzling her head as the younger one hugged her neck.  Rocks erupted from the ground as Izuku met up with the two girls, holding them both in his arms as he maneuvered them around the rocks surrounding them. In all honesty, he was just trying to get his omega out of danger.

Handing Eri to Izuku, Adaliah pushed them away from a peice of incoming rock, taking the hit and raising to face her mother. She growled as they faced off, both powering up their quirks to new extremes, stripes glowing brighter than ever.  Their wings expanded as they faced off against each other, both facing each other. 

Her stomach twisted and turned, blood dripping out of her mouth as she rose, sending an orb to the rocks above her mother, forcing them to fall as she took off towards Izuku. She found them before the villains, luckily, landing beside them with a grunt. 

"Eri, Deku! Are you two okay?" She cried, crouching to take Eri from Izuku, her horn glowing.  "Eri, your quirk-this is incredible." 

Her eyes widened as Eri looked about ready to cry. Izuku had went past his limit, and he was still standing, bones intact, stripes still visible. Adaliah's bones were still intact. Her head whipped up however, as Izuku growled, falling from one knee to both. 

Her hands went to his bicep and shoulder, wincing at the dull pain that flared within her gut. It was obvious he was in tremendous pain. Eri was overusing her quirk, whatever it was. 

Looking between Izuku and Eri, Adaliah had to do something she had never done before, something to push her quirk to new extremes. She had to use her quirk on two people, at the same time.

"She has no control over it!" Overhaul growled, both teens looking up and over to him. The rocks under neath of them cracked and shattered, Adaliah tackling the other two out of harms way. 

"She may have activated her quirk in time, but she doesn't know how to turn it off. Isn't that right, Eri? She has the power to rewind people, that's her secret. Use her right and you might be able to turn someone back into a monkey. If you two keep carrying her like that, you'll be annihilated. Everyone whose touched has been rewound to nothingness, didn't I tell you that the girl is cursed?!" Overhaul growled, watching as they all struggled. 

Adaliah growled internally as she tried pushing her quirk, nothing happening. If anything did happen, the stripes short circuited, sputtering away before anything could happen. 

"The only way to stop her is to disassemble her! Or did you want to wiped out of existence?!" 

A cold hand on her shoulder alerted her to Izuku, who had tied the red cape around his shoulders, Eri tied within it. 

"You had to learn the same lesson, Liah, and what was that?" 

The question confused the girl for a hot second before she looked to Eri, smiling softly. "That all quirks are blessings. Whether we know it or not, there's always someone who can convince you otherwise." 

The black stripes on Adaliah's face faded away before bright gold ones re-appeared lighting up her cheeks, her feathered wings disappearing before soon reappearing, now with black feathers only taking up the corners of the wings before fading quite quickly into white ones, giving the appearance of true angel wings. 

Looking over, she could see Izuku using one for all, much more over his normal capacity, as dust and electricity surrounded him.  His gloves ripped to shreds as pink stripes etched around his body, the once dark shadows that Adaliah was using with him were now white with golden edging, wrapping around both of them. It's almost as if she could see into her quirk's genetic formula, giving her the ability to pull back how much of her quirk she's able to use rather than stopping it completely. 

She could also see Izuku's, watching as it pushed to 100%,  Adaliah enhancing it before he lept to attack, overhaul not even seeing him.  

Meanwhile, Adaliah was  busy doing her own thing as she tried to control two peoples quirks and her own as she faced off with her mother, who looked beaten but still ready to fight.  Streams of light and orbs were sent to each other, but it was obvious who was getting the upper-hand as Adaliah threw the woman into the air, soon striking her back down as she reeled back Eri's quirk. Blood still pooled in her stomach as she wanted nothing more than to sleep, but she continued on. 

Golden light encased her arms and legs as the angel wings expanded, several small orbs appearing around her.  The stripes around her face began flowing into highlights in her hair, eventually raising into a small ring right above her head.

The orbs attacked one by one, each hitting a different point on her mother, disorienting her until the stripes on her face faded. By now, Adaliah's eyes had small golden streaks leaking from the corners, but she pushed on, delivering a final blow that threw the elder to the ground creating a crater around her as Adaliah slowly landed, clutching her stomach. 

Looking over to where Izuku was, Adaliah gasped. 

She forgot about the other two quirks she was watching over.


Kaminari: Bakugo and Adaliah? Please, the could never be a couple. I just don't see it.

Kirishima: ...

Kaminari: Oh god, I can kinda see it.




Kaminari: I SHIP IT SO HARD.


Shoto: Still injury prone I see.

Adaliah: Still pretending your not hopelessly in love me I see.


Ashido: I put the 'cool' in School

Kirishima: I put the 'stud' in Student

Kaminari: I put the 'Pun' in punishment.

Izuku: I put the 'D' in Adaliah.




Adaliah: Well... I mean.... 

Adaliah: If you really want too-


Shoto and Katsuki: nO!

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