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"So, we rented out this sports facility to help you all train," A yawn interrupted the man. "Sorry, I've kind of afraid to sleep lately, no offense Nyx." 

Adaliah only shrugged, remembering she too was afraid of falling asleep knowing Eri was in danger- even now with Overhaul taken care of and Eri safe, it was rare she slept through the whole night.

"Nyx here, though graduated, has agreed to...Replace Eraserhead in a way. She'll step in if quirks get out of hand, or a fight breaks out. Think of her as our number two. Oh, one more thing, up until now we've had ten people in this remedial training class. But, starting today, there will be eleven."

The students around them all nodded until a loud voice called their attention, all now looking to the pro hero as he shouted. 


Adaliah nearly laughed at the face Shoto made, sending him a small smile to help him get over his father showing up.  He sent one back, glad to receive any sort of attention from the girl- even if it was because his father showed up.

"Now if everyone can calm down, we can show the heroes what you all can really do!" Adaliah called, giggling lightly as she did. 

"Thank you, Nyx. Now, as you can all see, this girl will be joining us from now on." 

Lemons surrounded her scent as Adaliah threatened to gag, nonchalantly stepping to the side as to keep her lunch.  She only looked up as Gang Orca placed a hand on her shoulder.

He said something more but she ignored it, only watching as he flung Inasa, Shoto, and Katsuki to the side. She watched as they glared at the orca hero, doors behind them opening. 

Screeches immediately rang out as children of all shapes and sizes ran out, the teacher looking ready to cry. About half alone ran up to Adaliah, the girl smiling as she signed whatever it was they wanted signed only to shoo them off to bug the ones who needed this training.  She had gotten through quite a few before a crying boy ran up to her, demanding to be picked up and quelled.  Which she did, hushing him as she rocked ever so slightly, her omegan maternal instincts kicking in- much like with Eri. 

The boy quieted before too long, now staying close to the girl just for the comfort she offered.

"I like you more than the other girl."

"I don't like her either." Adaliah whispered before setting the boy down to go play with his friends, a loud growl catching her attention.


"Katsuki!"  Adaliah hissed as she neared the blond, the kids around him already disliking him. 

"Oh, so your one of those adults." The stern voice called both teens' attentions to where a blond boy stood against the wall. "A grownup who thinks they can get their way by yelling. By not letting anyone get a word in edgewise, well... We're not impressed by that." 

"Who the hell is this punk?!" Katsuki growled, Adaliah quickly rolled her eyes, hushing the children around her before wrapping her arms around Katsuki's neck. 

"It's okay, you can get through this. Just remember, he's a little boy, not a villain." She whispered, a barrel of children's laughs and spicy linen catching her attention.  Looking over she could easily see Shoto needing help so she hurriedly dashed off. 

She couldn't leave them to the wolves without giving them a snare, right? 

"What's this thing?!Tell me! What is it?! A wiener?" A little boy (It's always the boys) laughed, playing with a capsule of Shoto's belt. Not even Adaliah knew what was in there, so she couldn't say anything against it, only help quell the boy.

"It's a wiener! A wiener!" The boy continued chanting before Adaliah could stop, Shoto ultimately just grabbing the container and popping the lid off. 

"I assure you, that it's not. It's a first aid treatment for when help doesn't arrive-"


The kids around him interrupted before one full on pouncing onto Shoto, the boy unable to dodge the kid. 

"Shoto!"  Adaliah had tried running forward before another kid jumped onto her hip, kids running into her till she was knocked down, laughing as she was. Small fingers jabbed and prodded at her ribs, forcing the girl into unspeakable and horrendous torture.

Giggles and laughs escaped her as tears came into her eyes, the children not letting up even as she withered and turned. 

And though they themselves were busy, Katsuki and Shoto couldn't help but stand in awe at the laughter that echoed throughout the room, watching as she withered and squirmed- carefully though as to not hit any of the children she was currently amusing. They secretly stowed the information in the back of their brains.

"Nyx is ticklish! Ha! Any villain that gets in close can easily take her down!"  

"N-No! I swear- I swear I'm- I'm a lot tougher than I look-"  Her laughter interrupted her own words as she tried to catch her breath. 

"ALRIGHT YOU LITTLE SHITS, ENOUGH TORTURING THE SHITTY OMEGA. WE NEED HER." Katsuki scooped her up, dragging her away to where Shoto stood, letting her catch her breath before reluctantly placing her down.

As was set on her feet as she watched over Shoto, sending him a smile as he looked over to her. He tried mumbling some stuff before he was ultimately interrupted. 

"NYX IS ON OUR SIDE THEN." Adaliah looked up, bewildered as she was pulled next to the Katsuki. Weren't they just yelling or something? Now their fighting children?


Looking up, the kids had all powered up their quirks. 

She didn't know if she wanted to be apart of this.


Bakugo: What animal would you be if you could be any animal in the world?

Adaliah: Jokes on you, I already am an animal.

Adaliah: I'm a snail which god is constantly salting.


Adaliah: If she's YOUR girl, then why is she using MY crafting table?

Denki: I'm not saying she's a slut, but her spawn point is almost never her own bed.

Shoto: what the fuck.


Shoto: Why is Midoriya laughing so hard?

Adaliah: *wiping away a tear*Cause I challenged him to a fight.




Aizawa: Hello?

Adaliah: Umm... I need help- I'm sitting it a pool of blood.

Aizawa: *Panicking* Is it YOUR blood?

Adaliah: Maybe???

Aizawa: Where's it coming from?

Adaliah: The stab wound.


Adaliah: Oh most definitely


Hey my loves! So,  I'm thinking I'm gonna end this book pretty soon, but I'm wondering, who do YOU guys wanna see endings for? I'm totally open to poly endings (I was thinking a todobakudeku ending), and I'm totally willing to write multiple endings.

I guess my question who do you guys want to see Adaliah/yourself end up with?

Feel free to comment as many people as you want! (Yes, there can  be girl x girl!)



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