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 Adaliah wasted no time in taking to the skies, trying to go through a vent before she heard  the ground give out, quickly going back to help those who didn't have the same air advantage as she did. 

"Nyx, what are you doing?! Your small enough to follow Lemillion, go help him!" Amajiki yelled, fearing she was in more danger with him then with his classmate. 

"No, all of you stay, I'll be happy to kill you all!" A blond villain screeched as he ran towards them, Aizawa quickly cancelling his quirk.

"Power erasure? He's an inferior version of Eri. I'd heard that a hero with your abilities existed, but our job is to to slow you down. Quirks or no, we still have fists and weapons-" The man was interrupted by black striping crawling up his body, pulling his arms to the side. 

He looked stunned as the small Omega kept him and the third one still, without so much as breaking a sweat, bright pink tentacles wrapping around them and throwing them away; taking their weapons away as well. 

"I've read all about you guys in the briefing. I can take these three on. We eat tons of Takoyaki at the fat agency, so octopus has become one of my specialties. And you know, I gotta say, I'm pretty down on guns since I was shot in the street. "

"Suneater, wait-" Adaliah tried, stepping back as Tamaki crushed the weapons with a crab-like claw. 

"It's not smart for us all to stay here. They want as many heroes stalled here as possible, let's just give them one. We should save all your quirks, especially Nyx and Eraserhead's, for later. You'll need to be operating at one hundred percent to get through those moving hallways. Fatgum, I know this is something I can do on my own." 

It was silent for a second before Fatgum was pulling Adaliah and Kirishima away. "Let's go!" 

He ignored their cries for something otherwise. He wouldn't let them stay any longer than needed, knowing they would stay back and fight if they could. He kept them in front of them, pushing them further and further, even picking them up if they looked behind them too long. 

 Adaliah remained silent, running beside her father as she huffed, thinking back to Amajiki every now and then. Her head was down and her form stiff. Her wings were folded tightly against her back quickly spreading as her and her dad were shoved by a rough column of rock, knocking the wind right out of her. She didn't even get time to react before she was shoved once more, Fatgum taking the hit, Eijirou as well judging by the small hint of red the peeked her eyesight. 

Izuku was by her side in a minute, helping her up as her wings faded away.  They knew Adaliah's quirk would be incredibly useful in fighting overhaul especially if she could get in close enough to restrict his quirk. Not to mention, she has an offensive and defensive quirk. 

They were going to do everything in their power to give her that shot.


The short locks tickled against her neck as Adaliah stared in the mirror. Cutting her hair had been a way to get back at her mother, a small way, but something nonetheless. It had grown since she last saw her mother, but whatever. 

The scissors in her hand felt pounds heavier than they actually were, but her grip remained strong as her knuckles turned white. It was just a couple movements. Cut off a couple inches in order to ease her conscious, give her something to use against her mother- even if the woman was god knows were.

The radio played a soft, almost unheard melody in the back before she turned to turn it off, stopping her just before her fingers grazed the dial. 

'Our question of the day today, what is like to be scarred? We've had multiple texts and calls coming in all day, and we'll be sure to go through all of them after the next song, I just felt I needed to read this one. Sent in from a texter named Hanta, he says being scarred is like writing your own history. You want to let the big ugly ones disappear but, in reality they make up who you are. You need to let them show, embrace them. And I just feel that someone out there needed to hear that. Next up-" 

The radio shut off with dull echo as Adaliah dropped the scissors into the sink, instead choosing to grip the side of the sink instead. Small tears left her eyes as she leaned her forehead on the sink in front of her. 

"Liah-" She wiped her eyes quickly as she looked to Aizawa- she had yet to call him dad- a small white, furry beside him. "There's someone I want you to meet. I'll give you two a minute."

"Hello, Adaliah! It's a pleasure to meet you! I'll keep this short and sweet- have you ever heard of U.A.?"


Using a shadow orb. Adaliah destroyed a column of rock thrown at her, a wall of stone separating her from her dad and the rest of the group, Rock lock standing beside her. 

"If it isn't the cutie!" A squeaky voice shouted, a sharp blade soon digging into Adaliah's shoulder as she let out a chirp in distress. She pulled away from whoever was behind her, standing beside Rock lock, who was already taken down by a look alike of the very person who stabbed her.  

Firing a quick shadow orb towards the person near Rock lock, she gasped at the sight of grey...something soon dripping away, the person completely disappearing before a small giggle was heard, the knife once again trying to hit Adaliah.

With a quick dodge though, it only nicked her neck ever so slightly, blood barely beading out of the wound .

"I'm so glad we get to meet again cutie, I didn't even get to say hello to you last time we saw each other. "

Adaliah growled at the blonde before grimacing as she licked the blade that originally stabbed her. 


"Aww, you remember me! How sweet!" Toga grinned, soon clipping on a nearly identical collar, wincing as it pierced her neck, the blood from the summer camp pumping into her veins. 

Adaliah could only watch as grey goop soon encased the girl, mirroring herself to a T.


Adaliah: I've been sticking my dad's things to the roof to see if he'll ever notice. 

Katsuki: Why don't you stick yourself up there?

Adaliah: It has to be something he would look for.


*Adaliah after getting stabbed*

Adaliah: You gonna want this back or...?

Toga: What the fuck.


Adaliah: I need to stop saying my life is a joke. It's not.

Class 1-A: *Glad her self deprecation is over*

Adaliah: Jokes have meaning.

Class 1-A: *Sobbing*

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