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The wall beside Adaliah burst to shreds as she stared at her doppelganger. Green and black hair peeking in the very corners of her peripheral vision, but she couldn't focus on them. 

On the other side though, that was the only thing Izuku could focus on. Two versions of the same girl he had fallen head over heals for? He was in heaven! At least, he thought so before scarves wrapped around both of the girls, Eraserhead tightening the hold on both of them.  

Both remained quiet as they looked to the man, yellow orbs reflecting the other to a T. It wasn't until one of them shuffled, brushing back the hooded part of her costume was she let go, confusing Izuku for a hot second as the other one was swiftly taken care of. Grey goo dripping into an unsightly puddle.

"Wait, how did you know which one to take care of?" Izuku finally spoke up, watching as Adaliah readjusted her hood. 

She looked at him quietly before smiling softly and pulling down the top portion of her outfit. "The look a like didn't realize these scars held great importance to myself and my father, so they wouldn't make a point to show them, cause they wouldn't think it would be important." 

Rock streams followed from the walls not seconds after, Adaliah stumbling right into Izuku's waiting arms, quickly regaining her stance as she realized there was one area that rocks weren't coming from. Firing a shadow orb, she huffed at the man that was soon revealed, Eraserhead restricting his quirk until he was fully apprehended. 

Adaliah wasting no time to run forward right after, ignoring the yells behind her.


Once again with another orb, Adaliah broke through wall after wall, finally finding the one that hid overhaul. 

She would've gotten a hit in on him too if not for the golden orb that smacked her straight into the stomach, throwing her to the side. She made quick work with recovering, clawing the ground as she skid backwards.  

"God, you have been a real pain in the ass lately, you know that."  The raven haired alpha was all too familiar to the girl as her breath caught in her throat. Grey eyes meeting her own. 

She growled as she stood with little effort, her wings spreading out behind her as she narrowed her eyes, small streams of shadows escaping the corners of her eyes as extensions to her own wings broke through the skin, making them look bigger and much more intimidating. A purple candy was popped into her mouth, quickly easing the knot in her stomach.

"I thought I taught you better than to use intimidation tactics." Her mother rolled her eyes before she frowned, large black, bat like wings escaping her mother as Adaliah stepped back in shock.  "What? Don't like my wings? Oh, that right. You never knew that much about your father or his quirk- or mine. See, you get your power to control shadows and the stitching from me." 

To demonstrate, her mother yanked Adaliah back with stitchings she never even realized were crawling towards her.  The minute her back hit the wall, Adaliah grunted before recovering, taking to the skies as her mother followed. 

"However, I couldn't make projectiles. Your father could. He was the one who could throw stuff, have the original gold and yellow whatevers, and of course, the wings are his too. But with a little of your DNA, and what was left of your father after that man got to him, I was able to take his quirk and make it my own with this little man's help." A snicker left the older one as another golden orb was thrown towards it. She didn't have enough time to dodge, so she used one of her own orbs to detour the other. 

Adaliah knew little to nothing about her father's death, other than that he was killed by the man they faced at the summer camp.  After what her mother said, things started to click into place, piece together. 

"You had my father killed for your own personal gain?!" Tears pooled in the corners of her eyes, the omega refusing to cry, as she realized just how terrible her mother really was. 

Her mother suddenly stopped laughing, a disgusting smirk still on her face. "He wore out his use. He gave me what he wanted."

"Oh, yeah, what is that?!"


Adaliah was to frozen to realize her mother was getting closer and closer to her, only snapping too when her mothers cold, cold hand was placed on her cheek. "Once I was given you, he fulfilled every use I had for him. You were meant to be my ultimate weapon. It's a shame really. If your father's morals hadn't gotten in the way, he would still be alive and you would be able to live to your greatest potentials!"  

Smacking her mother away, Adaliah threw a stream of shadows towards her mother, pushing her away.  This was the final face off between Adaliah and her mother and she knew it. 

Both of them did.

With a shrug from her mother, the woman wasted no time in sending sharp streams towards Adaliah. It took several flips and other methods of dodging to avoid the bigger barrage of arrows, but a few cut deeply, blood spurting from her wounds.

Adaliah had thrown several attacks, all of them either getting redirected or just plain stopped, non of them making contact though.

"Someone else is about to die because of you! Is that really what you want, Eri?!" 

Adaliah quickly looked down, noticing Izuku fighting by himself; which she was quick to change as she landed beside him. 

"Wait!" The two teens looked up as small footsteps neared. "It's not... I don't want this."

"Eri- We're fine! Go find Lemillion!" Adaliah called, soon getting taken out by a golden orb, stitchings of the same color holding her down to whomever 's mercy.

"Look at them- injured and alone- you don't really think you can defeat me, do you?"  Overhaul held out his hand, a mouth on the palm speaking to the girl.

"No... No, I don't."

"Smart girl, now what do you suppose we should do?" Adaliah's mother purred. 

Eri looked near tears as she looked up. "I'll come back...But if I do, I want you to make them all better again!" 

"Ah, yes. It's better for you to get hurt rather then someone else, isn't it? The faint flicker of hope Lemillion gave her has been extinguished. You two think your helping her, but your really just being cruel. She. Doesn't. Want. You." 

"Nyx." Adaliah looked up from her stitched place, Izuku giving her a side look as she struggled. "Do you remember what happened  at the summer camp?" 

Ripping two stalactites from his body, he turned, watching as Adaliah ripped herself from the ground. He frowned at the blood dripping down her arm, but said nothing on the matter

"Yea, of course." 

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

She nodded before standing, her stripes present as her stomach turned and groaned. 

"Let's do this."


Shoto: accents are caused many factors such as linguistic rules and environmental factors.

Adaliah: Accents are just mouth fonts.


Aizawa, facing Adaliah, Katsuki and Izuku : How come whenever something happens, it's always you three?

Adaliah: I've been asking myself the same question. 


Adaliah: Sometimes I can't believe I have anxiety. 

Adaliah: My anxiety has anxiety. 

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