"Breakfast is served. Please, enjoy."

"You don't even have to tell me twice!" Snatching up her fork and knife, the tomboy went full savage on the meal.

Logan and Jungkook gawked at the young adult in amazement.

"...and they say girls don't eat like pigs." Logan muttered.

Darting an eye at Logan, he bolted his eyes in the opposite direction.

"I heard that." Wiping her mouth with a napkin, she pours herself a glass of orange juice and gulps it down. The weight of the meal dropped into the abyss of her stomach. "Oh...shoot." She groaned. "I think I've really messed up, this time."

"How?" The AI questioned. "What's wrong?"

"I think I ate too fast...I don't have enough space for the rest of my meal!"

Logan sucked his teeth, shaking his head. "Aurora, my dear girl. Didn't you know that eating hastily will fill your tiny little tummy with not only food, but air mass, too?"

"Wu-wuh..." Aurora lowered her head in her hand and slouched. "I think I'm sleepy, too."

Sighing, Logan took a bite of his meal. "You've definitely got the itis then. Just take a break from eating."

"Aww, damn." Aurora muttered. "I shouldn't have gotten so excited..."

"You can always save it for lunch," Jungkook suggested. "Or even perhaps save it for tomorrow's breakfast, if anything."

"I guess so..." The tomboy mumbled.

After a few minutes, the girl's stomach settled. "Okay, I'm ready."

This time eating slower, the girl remained calm and ate her food happily.

Eventually, Logan had to leave for work, and Jungkook would soon be following suit.

Taking his dishes to the sink, Logan washed them, then dried his hands with a nearby towel. "Uh, babe, what are you going to be doing later on when I get off from work?"

"Uh...nothing of the sort, most likely. Maybe watch tv, or go for a walk? Since I finally have a key."

"Me and a couple of guys were going to go see a movie tonight—some action film. You wanna come?"

Aurora's eyes widened. "I-I've never been to a movie theater before..."

Smiling, Logan tilted his head. "Then, I guess this will be a first."

Looking at the two, Jungkook meditated for a minute. He's never been separated from his master besides going to work. The idea of her now leaving the apartment for some time made him a bit anxious. It wasn't as though he wanted her all to himself.

...or maybe he did, somewhat.


Aurora turned to him. "Yes Jungkook?"

"Are you sure you'd wanna go?"

"Well...I've never been to a theater before. Never had the privilege to. So why not?" The tomboy smiled at Logan. Seeing how happy he was, despite not voicing it made her warm inside.

"Then, it's a date!" Logan snapped his finger. And I feel like being casual. I dress up way too much in formal attire. Everyone takes me too seriously when I dress like this..."

"I wouldn't blame them." Aurora grinned. "Your confidence and stature throw everyone off."

"I'll take that as a compliment." Kissing Aurora on the lips, Logan went for the front door. "Be ready by 6. The movie starts at 8, and we need to get complementary drinks and snacks before the film starts."

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