Chapter 92: Echo's Alive?!

Start from the beginning

"That number, Cap, General, what did it mean?" Tech asked.

"CT-1409 that was Echo's number." I explained.

"He's alive..." Rex trailed off.


As soon as we returned to the base, we informed Master Windu, Anakin, and Areria what had happened, especially what we heard in the control room. After we explained everything that happened, I proposed the idea to go to Skako Minor. Master Windu looked conflicted when I suggested that idea, nevertheless he mentioned that he'd discuss it with the Council. Currently, Hunter, Anakin, Rex, and I were walking through the hangars. Areria was leading my troops up in space, right above the planet.

"Word is the general staff isn't completely behind this mission." Hunter commented.

"I admit the idea that Echo is still alive is a long shot." Rex confessed.

"I'm sure the Council will approve the mission." I mentioned.

"Just remember the primary goal is to learn how the Separatists are predicting our strategy, whether it's Echo behind it or not." Anakin reminded us.

"Well, if you want my opinion, sounds like a trap, but me and the boys will tag along anyway, if only to say I told you so." Hunter said.

"Just make sure you're ready if we get the go-ahead from General Kenobi." I ordered. 

"If you're certain he'll approve the mission, why wait? Let's get going." Rex urged. 

"First, we have that thing to do." Anakin mentioned. 

Rex raised an eyebrow. "Uh, what thing?"

"You know." Anakin said, giving us a look.

I then realized what he was talking about as did Rex. Rex shook his head. "We don't have time for that, sir."

Anakin gave him a warning look. "Yes, we do."

"Well, I'll just let you sort this out. I'll be waiting on the ship with the rest of the team." Hunter informed us. 

As soon as Hunter left, Anakin walked over to the barracks as he spoke. "Come on. I'm late as it is."

As Anakin walked inside one of the barracks, Rex and I wait outside, while Anakin would contact with Padmé to see how she was doing. It wasn't long until we saw Obi-Wan heading towards us, giving us a wave along with a smile. I returned his smile as I waved back. Rex rolled his eyes. "Oh, great."

Rex then casually knocked against door of the barrack. As soon as Obi-Wan approached us, he spoke up. "Storm, Rex, where's Anakin? I need to speak to him about this mission."

"Well, General, he's, um..." Rex trailed off.

"Well, he's inside your barracks, isn't he?" Obi-Wan pointed out.

Rex nodded. "Yes, sir."

Obi-Wan narrowed his eyes. "What's going on here?" 

"Oh. Nothing, sir. I was just waiting for the General...uh, General." Rex rambled on, thinking on the top of his head.

"You'll have to do better than that, Captain." Obi-Wan stated. He then turned to look at me. "Storm, do you know what Anakin's doing."

"I, uh, well..." I stuttered, trying to think of something.

"And what is Anakin doing in there?" Obi-Wan asked. 

"Ah, he's spot-checking my gear, sir." Rex explained. 

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