Mark and his goons quickly walked away and Zayn stared at them until they were gone. He turned around to me and smiled, “Thank you.” I smiled and kissed him softly while hugging him.

“He’s a dick,” Zayn commented and opened my door. I got inside and he got inside on his side. “If he or any of his buddies give you crap, you let me know.” He started the car and then drove off.

“I also have something to tell you…” I said softly.


“So I signed up for this umm…sort of girl football game on Friday and I was wondering if you would come watch.” I said softly.

“Of course I would watch you play,” He smiled. “I played a little football in high school. I could help you if you wanted.”

“I would really like that…” I smiled. “I have practice on Wednesday and Thursday.”

“I teach you some stuff today and tomorrow then, I guess,” Zayn smirked as we pulled up to his house. “Do you have a lot of homework?”

“Not really,” I shrugged as I got out of the car. I knew Zayn was going to open it, but he didn’t need to. When I got out, Zayn was by my side with his arm slung around me.

“Are you okay about what they said?” He commented and kissed my head.

“I’m fine,” I smiled. “They’re dumbasses anyways.” We both walked inside and I smiled when I smelled cookies.

“I made you cookies,” He smiled sweetly.

“You’re adorable,” I giggled and kissed his lips softly. It wasn’t rushed or anything, it was just sweet. His kisses were things I would live for.

* * *

When I finished my homework, Zayn was done cleaning the dishes up. We both got changed into sweatpants and shirts and walked outside.

“Do you have any idea what position you’ll be?” He questioned as he grabbed a football.

“No clue,” I shrugged.

“So we should work on everything…” He smirked and tossed the ball to me. I jumbled it around in my hands before finally holding onto it. Zayn shook his head with a laugh and walked further away. He explained to me how to throw and how it should look when it is thrown. I threw it at him and he caught it even though it wasn’t at him. “The foot that goes forward determines where the ball goes, so put it towards me.”

I nodded and caught the ball when he threw it exactly at me. I threw it back at him a bunch more times and each time it was nearly perfect so we moved on to me catching while running. It took me longer this time but eventually I got the hang of it.

“What else happens in football?” I questioned him as he walked closer to me.

“Well, I’m going to simplify this for you so you actually understand what I’m talking about. There is lots of pushing,” He said and leaned forward with one leg back, “like this.” The cold air blew on us but I was extremely warm. I had been doing all of the running and sweat was streaming down my face.

I suddenly reached up and took my shirt off, earning a whistle from Zayn. I rolled my eyes at him before assuming the same position as him. “Now, the goal is to keep me from getting to the quarterback.”

“How do I do that?”

“Knock me down,” He chuckled. “I’ll go easy, don’t worry.” He counted down and suddenly he lunged at me. I wasn’t ready so he pushed me back and fell on top of me. “Did you even try?” He laughed loudly.

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