chapter 78

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March 2019

Rosalie watched Harry the whole way to Avignon. He was asleep most of the time in the chair next to her, his head rested on her shoulder. Rosalie was unable to sleep considering she was so nervous.

She wasn't sure why she had even decided to come. These two people were not her family just because they created her. They didn't raise her and they didn't take any sort of interest in her life and now suddenly they were popping up out of no where. If she wasn't with Harry, she definitely would not be going.

"Harry, we're here." She brought her hand to his hair and started fiddling with some loose curls. He winced as he opened his eyes, not used to the light.

"Oh, sorry." He mumbled, realising he had missed the whole trip. "I trained myself to sleep in moving vehicles when I was in the band. I can sleep anywhere." He stretched out his limbs and looked out the window.

"How very boring for me." She teased, earning a smile.

"Sorry." He kissed her cheek as she collected their things off the table. Harry yawned like a child as the train stopped. "It's very green." He pointed out. Rosalie chuckled.

"We're not in the city yet." She explained.

When they got off the train, it was relatively warm considering it was the south of France. They found a taxi relatively quickly and Rosalie told him in French where to go before leaning against Harry in the back.

"Well that was sexy." He smirked, kissing her jawline a few times. She giggled and pushed his head away as his lips tried to attach themselves to her neck.

Harry stared out of the window the whole way while Rosalie started having flashbacks to her teenage days where she would be running down the streets either drunk or high with a new man on her arm. She grabbed his hand and squeezed it, catching his attention.

"You alright?" He asked but she didn't respond.

The last time she had been there was when she was shooting with Michaela but she didn't leave her hotel room at night in fear of running into someone she new. She didn't know where most of her friends from her adolescence were now but she can't imagine they had gone far.

They arrived at the air bnb which was a house just outside the centre. Rosalie's parents lived in a loft in the city, not the house she spent her teenage years in which had hurt kind of.

"It's beautiful, Ro." Harry commented as he took their cases out of the trunk and paid the taxi. She didn't say anything as she opened the front door. "Rosalie, say something." He begged as he shut the door behind them. She turned around, her eyebrows furrowed.

"I need a drink." She sighed. Harry smiled, bringing his thumbs to her forehead to smooth out her frown lines. They were meant to be going over to her parents' house for dinner which was soon.

"Worst case scenario, we go tonight and it completely bombs so we have a weekend in the south of France to ourselves." He explained but she was pale and afraid. "Ro, calm down."

"Why am I even here?" She asked, looking away but he nudged her face with his finger so she looked back at him.

"Come on, let's have a shower and get ready." He kissed her forehead and turned her around so they could look at the Airbnb.

It was definitely smaller than Harry was used to but it was cute and homely. Somewhere he could imagine two people living if neither of them were famous and for that he adored it. He collapsed on the double bed and watched as she walked into the bathroom.

"Rosalie." He called as he walked in behind her, taking his clothes off as she was already in the shower. "Hey." He got in the shower with her and wrapped his arm around her body.

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