chapter 74

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December 2018

Harry spent the next few days alone in his house, ignoring everyone and wondering whether he had just fucked everything. Their last conversation played over and over again in his head, she had asked to talk to him another time and for him to stay. Why the fuck had he not stayed with her?

Eventually he had run out of food and he needed to leave the house and get some fresh air before he drove himself insane. The year was coming to an end and he needed to get a grip, welcome the new year in and move on from whatever he get for Rosalie that was causing him so much pain in the past two years.

As he entered the nearest Tesco Express to his house, he picked up a basket and made his way to the alcohol so he could buy himself a nice bottle of wine and some crisps to absorb his sadness that night.

Just as he was on his way to the tills, he bumped into someone and watched all their shopping fall to the floor. Internally, he cursed himself for fucking up something as simple as walking in a straight line.

"Shit, I'm so sorry." He mumbled, immediately falling to the floor to pick them up and hand them to this woman.

"You're Harry" The voice pointed out and he sighed but looking up he recognised this person. "I'm Lola." She filled in the blanks for him but it wasn't a happy feeling that filled it. The look of realisation swept across his face and she gave him a sorry smile.

"Nice to finally meet you, Lola." He held out his hand politely. "Sorry for the circumstances." He mumbled and tried to make a swift exit but she grabbed him.

"Are you busy right now? I'd love if I could get to know the man that I've heard so much about." Her eyes begged him but he wasn't so sure, he couldn't set himself up for heartbreak again.

"Have you spoken to Rosalie recently?" He asked, her name falling off his tongue like poison. Lola gave him a sympathetic smile which told him all he needed to know.

"Of course I have. I live with her." She pointed out. Harry nodded, looking down at his nervous hands. "Wanna go for a drink?" He chewed his lip nervously as he nodded.

"Let me take care of this, since I scattered it everywhere." He grabbed her shopping basket but she yanked it back.

"I don't need a man to buy my shopping." She raised her eyebrows which put him in his place. "You can buy the first round instead." She winked before walking to self checkout. Harry didn't really know what to do with himself so he followed her.

Rosalie had always described Lola as this ray of light but Harry had always imagined her as this broken woman as that's how he had been first introduced to her character. That day that he went to pick up all of her things from her house had never left him.

"So, what do you wanna know?" He asked as they sat inside a nearby pub, Tesco bags in hand.

"One thing has been really bothering me. I heard that you told her you were sorry you didn't fight for her." Harry suddenly felt like she was under interrogation. "First of all, that's beautiful, if you meant it of course." Harry pulled a face.

"What do you mean if I meant it. Of course I meant it." He defended which made Lola smile.

"Well then why the fuck are you not fighting for her now? You left her on her doorstep when she asked you to stay with her?" Harry looked down at his lap, he had told Rosalie he was fighting for her and then fell at the first hurdle.

"I just don't want to push her. You can't fight for someone that doesn't want to be fought for. That's borderline harassment." He pointed out. Lola laughed, taking a sip of her drink.

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