chapter 24

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Just wanted an excuse to write about Harry in this suit because I have DREAMS about this suit.
That's all, please enjoy.

April 2017

Harry held Rosalie's hand tightly as they walked into the large house that was going to be Adam and Emi's wedding venue. He was well aware that people would assume they were official but he assumed Rosalie knew that as well and had hoped the reason she had agreed was because she didn't mind.

The ceremony room was large, decorated in purple and white. It was beautiful and expensive. Rosalie had never seen anything like it so she stopped and looked around as she did with any fascinating room. It was a habit of hers, to need to know every detail of a room and truly appreciate the beauty.

"There's Sarah and Mitch." Harry pointed, dragging her out of her trance and towards the right side of the room. She followed him and grinned at the sight of Sarah.

"There they are!" Sarah beamed, looking Rosalie up and down in the dress they had bought together. She noticed Harry doing the same, wanting to show her off as if she was his prized possession.

"Doesn't she look gorgeous?" Harry squeezed her hand. Rosalie rolled her eyes, not able to take a compliment while Sarah just agreed.

"She always does." She said as Harry kissed her cheek hello and went to hug Mitch, who was waiting for him. Rosalie hugged Sarah tightly.

"I love your suit." Sarah was never one for dresses so she had gone for a wide legged suit. She looked absolutely stunning as Rosalie intended to repeatedly tell her.

"Thanks." She jiggled her legs to make the trousers wave, making them both laugh. Harry scooted past her again, noting that they had to sit down now.

Harry sat at the end, letting Rosalie sit next to Sarah. She didn't like events like this where she didn't know anyone but as long as one of the three people around her never left her side she would be fine. Harry was a social butterfly, friends with everyone so there was no doubt he would be off talking to everyone at some point.

For now, he was firmly at her side and with Sarah on the other side of her she felt comfortable. Having never been to a wedding before, she was intrigued to see whether it was actually like it was in the films.

Harry noticed Rosalie taking in everything, he watched as her neck stretched as far as it could when the music started and everyone stood up to let the bride walk down the isle. He couldn't help but find it utterly adorable the way she watched Adam and Emi say their vows and promise to love each other forever.

She was quiet for most of the ceremony, letting Harry prod and nudge her whenever he got bored or wanted to express an opinion. She was content though, watching it all go down. There were moments that she felt emotional and could feel Harry watching her so she tried her best not to let it show on her face. She was good at that by now.

"I love weddings." He sighed as the betrothed kissed. Rosalie met his eyes and smiled, giving him a nod of agreement. One hand placed itself on her waist and pulled her close to him as he leant down to her ear "You do look incredible." He whispered, she licked her lips and gave him a smile.

Everyone clapped as the ceremony ended and it made Rosalie jump slightly. Harry kissed her head affectionately as everyone started moving to the reception. Her silence had worried him slightly, he couldn't tell if she was speechless or terrified. It was his job to make sure she had fun.

"Let's party." Harry joked, high fiving Mitch over Sarah and Rosalie. Sarah rolled her eyes as Rosalie giggled, needing a drink desperately.

"I hope we're all sat together." Rosalie commented, Harry put her arm around her to assure her that Adam had put the whole band together.

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