chapter 49

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July 2017

Harry was consumed with work while in LA, it was exhausting even though he loved his job. He knew he was incredibly lucky to be where he was and he would never take that for granted. The other thing he was incredibly grateful for was Rosalie's FaceTime calls that always seemed to happen when he was about to say fuck it and fly back because he missed her so much.

On one of his few days off, he decided to visit the Beachwood cafe as he knew it was a place Rosalie liked. The woman that seemed to like Rosalie a lot was stood behind the counter as he approached her.

"Hello, table for one?" He smiled. Her eyes gave away that she knew who he was but definitely for different reasons than usual.

"Of course. No beautiful girl with you today?" She teased as she walked him to the other side of the room. He shook his head.

"Unfortunately not but she sends her love." He smiled, lying but for the greater good. Rosalie would surely send her love if she knew where he was though.

"How kind." She grinned, Harry had clearly made her day as he sat on a metal chair and ordered a coffee. When she had walked away, he pulled out his phone and took a photo of the cafe to send to Rosalie.

paying a visit to my favourite cafe - H

french toast! french toast! and tell Lisa I say hi! - R

He chuckled at her reply but he wasn't there to eat that day, just to have a cup of coffee and feel close to Rosalie. Lisa walked over with his coffee and and he thanked her with a wide grin. He flicked through his phone as he drank it, replying to unanswered texts and reading through a few e-mails.

"Harry?" A voice brought out of his screen. He squinted his eyes at the person before placing a name to the phone.

"Camille? Right?" He stood up as she approached him, pushing his phone into his pocket as he did so. She leant forward and he followed up with the two kisses.

"Ah you remembered" she giggled. "Are you meeting someone here?" She wondered, clutching her coffee cup.

"Oh no, just out for coffee." He felt awkward standing up with her so he looked down at his table. "Do you wanna sit or are you on your way out?" She gave him a warm smile.

"Are you sure I'm not intruding?" He shook his head. What was the harm? She was a friend of Alexa's and he was sat all by himself.

"Of course not." He smiled, sitting back down and she took the seat opposite. His eyes took a full look at her, considering the party was quite dark. She was definitely beautiful, her face looked bare except for her long painted lashes and her red lips.

"So, how long are you in LA for?" She started the conversation to his surprise.

"Only two weeks, I have to be back in London for the Dunkirk premiere" He explained, her eyebrows raised as she nodded.

"Alexa told me about that, it sounds amazing. The director's really well known isn't he?" She sat forwards in her chair, indicating she was interested in the conversation.

"Christopher Nolan, yeah. He's amazing. I was shitting myself auditioning for him, especially since back then I had really long hair" Her eyes widened at the thought of this beautiful man having the same length hair as her.

"No way! How long was it?" She laughed. Harry pulled out his phone and looked through his camera roll, showing her a photo of him with his long hair. Without hesitation, she grabbed the phone and laughed. "You look fantastic" She complimented as she handed it back.

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