chapter 72

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November 2018

Rosalie had arrived at the address given to her and she was shit terrified. This was the biggest gig of her career and couldn't quite believe it was happening. What she found at the address was a man telling her they had a car for her to take her to an undisclosed location. Unsure whether she was working for Rolling Stone or about to be murdered.

She had been given a brief over the photo shoot, it was to be outside and the clothes were going to be for her and the talent to discuss but given from a wardrobe. They hadn't told her who the talent was yet so she would have to think on her feet to figure out their best angle. It was a challenge but one she was willing to accept.

"Hello, I'm Janice. It's nice to meet you." A woman greeted her as she got out of the car. She looked around at her settings to see they were in a coastal town. It was beautiful, lots of textures for her to work with.

"Rosalie, nice to meet you." She pulled her bag out of the car and swung it over her shoulder. "Nice day." She referred to the weather. It was cloudy but warm, unusual for this time of year.

"Yes. We're very excited to have you. You came highly recommended." She smiled at her. Rosalie furrowed her eyebrows as the woman started walking away and she assumed that she was meant to follow.

"Recommended?" She questioned but Janice was already walking way ahead of her towards as large group of people.

"Rosalie." She heard a familiar voice greet her. Her head turned and suddenly it all clicked. Feeling her heart sink to the bottom of her stomach, she approached him.

"Jeff." She sighed, realising she wasn't here because of her talent, it was because of Harry. Jeff gave her a funny look.

"Nice to see you too." He laughed, noticing her disappointment. Rosalie shook her head.

"No, it is nice to see you. I just...didn't realise-"

"She didn't realise she was here for me." The voice she knew would appear did appear. Jeff looked even more confused. "I asked them not to tell her it was me because she would definitely decline the offer."

She hadn't seen Harry since Sarah's birthday weekend and seeing him in that moment was hard. Why would he bring her here? It didn't make any sense. They held eye contact for a moment before Rosalie took in a deep breath.

"Harry, did you request me here?" She asked, embarrassment creeping up on her. How could she possibly think she would good enough for Rolling Stone, she felt like a fraud.

"No, I recommended you. They asked me who I'd like to work with and I gave a list of names. You just happened to be the best of the bunch." He explained. Jeff looked at Harry and realised how this would have come across to Rosalie.

"Harry." She sighed, looking around at the people who were waiting. There weren't many, she recognised many as Harry's team so she knew that embarrassment was soon to follow when they saw her. "You know this is not how I would've wanted to get here." She mumbled, feeling ungrateful and robbed all at the same time.

"They chose you, Ro. I just put your name out there." He had a cheeky grin on his face as he raised his hands in defence but she wasn't finding it amusing. "Shall we get started?" He asked. Jeff gave Rosalie a sympathetic smile and nodded.

Harry walked back quickly to the others while Jeff hung back, offering to carry her camera case.

"I didn't realise you didn't know." He seemed to be apologising. Rosalie shook her head.

"I should've guessed, it was stupid of me to think anything different." She said quietly. Jeff left the topic alone as they reached everyone else.

in the night- h.sTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon