chapter 65

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June 2018

Somehow, Rosalie had been convinced to go to Mexico with Gabby's friends. Gabby had already left to go on tour with her boyfriend, who Rosalie had been promised she would meet soon enough so now she was left with Kyle, Natalie and Chanel.

They were staying at Chanel's parents house that they owned, Rosalie felt like such a fraud even standing near it. It was a massive house with its own private beach and one of those pools that looked as if it was falling off the edge. How the fuck did she end up here? Kyle and Natalie were running around chasing each other just because they could, Rosalie stood on the patio taking in the view when Chanel approached her.

"Gorgeous isn't it?" She linked their arms and joined her at looking at the view. "My dad had it built for my mum, she's Mexican. We come here every summer" She told her. Rosalie smiled at the gesture.

"It's stunning" She agreed, not having any story about her summers abroad to tell.

"You don't talk about your family much" Chanel pointed out as Rosalie stood quietly.

"There's not much to tell" She replied honestly but Chanel wasn't having any of it, she had to know everyone's story.

"Rosalie Bernard, I may be privileged but I'm not dumb. That's a French name" She pointed out, Rosalie couldn't help but smile in response at how obvious that was.

"I was born in France, my parents still lived there. I lived in London with my aunt until she died when I was ten then I moved back to France until I was eighteen when I moved to London" She explained quickly, trying to prove that her life wasn't that interesting.

"Why did you move in with your aunt?" Rosalie sighed, not wanting to talk about it but she knew Chanel wouldn't give in. She was annoying that way.

"My parents didn't want me" She looked into her eyes and watched as Chanel's mouth opened, clearly she hadn't expected that. "Don't look at me like that, it's fine" She chuckled, putting her arm around her as if she was the one that needed the comfort.

"How can someone just not want their own child?" She asked the question Rosalie used to ask herself every day but slowly it the answers became more clear as she grew older. Being an adult was hard and you can't force someone to love you. "Who did you live with when your aunt died?"

"My parents" This seemed to confuse Chanel even more so she elaborated. "They let me come home when my aunt died but I basically lived alone until I was eighteen."

"Christ, you're lucky you turned out so well" She gasped at the story. Rosalie laughed at the comment but to her it simply wasn't true.

"Well, I was a nightmare of a teenager as you can imagine. I constantly rebelled against them just to try and get some attention but they didn't care. Then I moved to London and became a stripper. Not sure that qualifies as turning out well" She chuckled, making Chanel smile.

"But look at you now." She squeezed her. Rosalie didn't try to tell her otherwise because they would go on forever arguing. All she knew was that she would not be here without Harry. "Shit, its Harvey" Chanel muttered, referring to her ringing phone.

Rosalie let her walk away, taking a moment to appreciate how lucky she was to be there. She missed Harry, she wished he was standing next to her and living this with her. He hadn't called or texted her and it would be a lie to say it didn't hurt slightly.

She got out her phone and swiped through her contacts, landing on his name. What would she even say if she called him, what if he didn't answer that would be even more awkward. With a sigh, she scrolled past his name and called Lola.

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