chapter 17

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April 2017

Rosalie was nervous through her whole day shift on Wednesday. Sarah had come in with Mitch at lunch time for a beer so for a while she pushed her nerves onto them but they obviously couldn't stay for the whole day. Sarah gave her a kiss on the cheek over the bar and wished her good luck before they left.

"Just enjoy yourself." she advised before Mitch put his arm around her and they opened the door and left her with a room full of strangers.

Harry was going to arrive at half seven and Rosalie noticed her mistake. Everyone was going to see her leave with him. The people she worked with didn't know her but it wasn't them she was concerned about; it was the rest of the room.

"Nick? If a man comes in looking for me, tell him I'm getting ready and will meet him out the front." She requested of her co worker, who was relatively nice.

"Does Rosalie have a hot date?" He teased, earning a respectable rolling of her eyes. "Of course I will." He said seriously.

"Thank you." She smiled before taking off her apron and walking in the staff area to get her stuff so she could get ready in the bathroom.

She had a simple casual black dress that was smart enough to be able to get away with any kind of setting. It was dinner and he was rich so she kind of had an idea of what she was getting herself into. He was hardly going to take her to a Nando's. She pulled her hair out from her clip and brushed it straight, it was lifeless but there was nothing she could do about that. With a few retouches of her make up, she shoved everything in her locker, locked it and went back to the bar.

"Is he here?" She asked Nick. He caught her eye and looked her up and down.

"Look at you!" He burst. She couldn't help but smile. "He's waiting outside" he winked. Rosalie blew him a cheeky kiss which shocked him slightly. She was never that friendly.

She opened the door and was almost winded by what she was met with. He was wearing a suit, a blue suit. He hadn't seen her yet, he was leant against the wall of the bar on his phone so she took in his image for a moment. How could one man carry so much attractiveness, it was going to be hard to ever say no.

"Hey." Her voice triggered something in him. Within moments, his phone was locked and in his pocket and his attention was on her. His eyes roamed over her before he said anything and then he seemed to let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank god you're wearing black. I don't know what I would've done if we had clashed." He joked, excreting a giggle from her as she approached him.

"Is that something I should worry about in the future?" She questioned. He chuckled and shook his head.

"I'll always let you know what colour I'm going for prior from now on" he liked that they were talking as if this was going somewhere. "You look gorgeous by the way" his compliments slid off his tongue with such ease.

"Thank you. I am infatuated with your suit." She ran her first two fingers along the front of it and he just watched nervously.

"It's one of my favourites" he smiled and held out his hand. "My car's just there. Shall we?" She took it and nodded.

"You drove in London? That's brave." She pointed out. He shrugged as they crossed the road to the left side.

"I prefer it even if it does take longer." He answered. She saw him approach a vintage white Mercedes and her eyes widened.

"This is your car?" She asked, he nodded and opened the passenger door for her. Quickly, she sat in the car but as soon as she was in she freaked out. This car must have cost more than she could have ever hoped to have in her bank account.

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