chapter 5

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February 2017

Sarah had quit her job at the bar shortly after Harry's birthday considering she had to focus on the band. Rosalie now had to work without her work best friend and it made it significantly harder. She cursed Harry almost every night for taking her away.

Rosalie only had fifteen minutes left until she could make her way to the club. It was odd to her that the club was an escape from work when she worked a lot harder there than she did at the bar.

She stood by the fridges full of beer and waited for any customers to ask for a drink. It was a Tuesday night so not a lot of people were coming in, just the regulars and businessmen who had had a bad day. Oh, and Harry Styles.

He entered, knowing she was finishing soon and was hoping to get her to stay and have a drink with him. His intentions were pure, despite him being rejected at his birthday.

"Hey." He slid his hand along the bar top to get her attention. As soon as her eyes met his, all the confidence he had psyched in himself on the way dissolved.

He was wearing a blue jumper with a white collar popping from underneath. She couldn't see what he was wearing on his lower half but if she could she would see that he had long black trousers on.

"Hey, what can I get you?" She asked, watching as Harry leant his elbows on the bar to get closer.

"Pint of pride please." He requested. Rosalie did as he had asked and placed the pint in front of him. Taking his time, he pulled out his wallet and handed her a five pound note just so she would have to come back to give him his change. "What time do you finish?" He wondered out loud as she handed him his change.

"Five minutes roughly." She answered. Rosalie didn't completely dislike Harry, he wasn't bad looking and seemed nice enough but she knew he didn't want to be just friends so getting to know him was a bad idea.

"Do you want to grab a drink afterwards?" He asked, putting himself out there like countless friends had told him to when advising him on women. Rosalie placed her hands on the bar and leant forwards, scaring the shit out of him how close she was getting.

"I can't, I have to get home." Harry watched her face as she rejected him yet again.

"Are you sure?" He took in a deep breath, realising maybe she just wasn't interested. It hurt his ego and him slightly.

"Yeah, I'm sorry." She gave him an apologetic smile which just confused him. Why couldn't she just sit down and have a conversation with him? What was holding her back?

"Not one drink?" His eyes were pleading. Rosalie looked down at her watch, she finished at ten but didn't have to be at the club until midnight. Her plan was to go straight there and chill before she had to go out. If she really wanted to, she could have one drink with Harry.

"Okay, but I really can't stay long." She raised her eyebrows but the smile on his face made her feel as if he would let her go when she needed to.

"No problem." He winked, causing her to roll her eyes and turn away from him.

For the rest of her shift, Harry sipped on his beer and watched her float around giving people their drinks and making shots for groups of young stupid teenagers. Every ten seconds he would look at his watch, the five minutes seemed to last forever.

Suddenly, she appeared behind him with a drink in her hand. His face broke into a smile, immediately he slipped off his stool and stood dangerously close to her. In response, she took a step back and looked around the bar for an empty seat.

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