chapter 1

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January 2017

Harry sat on the guitar stool with a piece of paper in his hands. This was taking too long. Of course finding a new drummer would take a long time but he assumed his team would find a good group of people for him to choose from.

"How many more do we have?" He asked their tour manager before looking over at Mitch, who had resorted to fiddling with his guitar with some headphones on. Harry sighed, tapping his pencil lightly on his knee. He just wanted to get on with it.

"Two more." The large man told him. Harry's head lulled but he nodded nonetheless. Everyone man and woman who had entered so far didn't have what he was looking for, the frustration was getting to him. "Here." He passed Harry the list and he looked down at it.

A woman walked through the door moments later. She wore high waisted burgandy flared trousers and a black band t-shirt of a band Harry had never heard of. Her figure intrigued him as she sat down at the drums ready to play.

"Sarah Jones?" He read the name.

"That's me." She smiled brightly. Harry looked over to Mitch, noticing that he had stopped playing and was paying attention to the room now. Harry nodded to her and she started playing.

There had definitely been better drummers than her but none carried the aura and the look she did. She drummed so effortlessly but hard at the same time. Everyone was mesmerised by her, Harry already knew she would fit perfectly into the band. After a glance at Mitch's reaction to her presence, the decision was made.

Harry slid off the bar stool onto his feet and nodded to his tour manager while she was still playing. He walked over to Mitch who looked as if he hadn't even realised that Harry was now stood next to him.

"I think she's it, right?" He nodded in her direction. Mitch just nodded, tapping the top of his guitar with the rhythm she was playing.

"Yeah she's good." Mitch agreed. A man of few words he was but he had a good heart, Harry knew that oh so well.

"Thank you" Harry said loudly, waving his hand just in front of his head. Sarah stopped playing at sat on the stool, waiting for someone to say something. "Would you like the job?" He offered. Sarah was caught off guard by his question.

"Uh, yeah. Thank you." She answered. Harry looked around the room and signalled to a man by the door who left at the signal.

"Great. Are you free today?" He asked. Sarah looked around the room but no one seems as confused as she was.

"Yes." As soon as she answered, the door opened and multiple people male and female walked into the room.

"Perfect, we start now." He insisted.

Sarah didn't move from the drums, she was nervous all of a sudden. Harry no longer had his focus on her, he was talking to other people who held cables and instruments; pointing in other directions.

Then, Mitch approached her. She hadn't seen him talk yet, while everyone else had seemed to take the silence as a cue to talk to one another. He stood with his guitar covering his body, his mouth twitching into what she assumed must of been his attempt at a smile.

"What was your name again?" He asked. Sarah took her feet off the pedals, closing her legs slightly.

"Sarah Jones. Nice to meet you." She held out her hand which only indicated to Mitch that she was outgoing. He stared at her hand for a moment before taking it over the cymbal and shaking it.

"You'll like it here. Harry's a lovely guy." He informed her, letting go of her hand and looking over at Harry.

"He seems it. Very professional." She complimented, following his gaze to the young man.

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