chapter 19

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April 2017

Rosalie went to the club the next day, she had called in sick to the bar and slept all day to try and avoid the guilt of leaving Harry behind. He had texted her asking if she was okay but her mind was too messed up to answer. She didn't know what to do about him anymore, she needed some sort of advice.

"Candy?" She asked as all the girls were getting ready. Candy didn't know Harry well but the only other person she would feel comfortable asking is Sarah but Sarah would yell at her and tell her to apologise to him.

"Yes, hun?" She was doing her make up, not a stroke going in the wrong place as usual. Sometimes Rosalie watched her do her make up because she seemed to be able to make pretty much anything entertaining.

"I have a problem." She was trying to talk as quiet as possible so no one heard her issues and spread them as tasteless gossip. Candy faced her and squinted her eyes suspiciously.

"Are you pregnant?" Her immediate question shocked Rosalie, who denied it quickly. "So what's up?"

"I went out with Harry last night and we slept together but then I had a nightmare about that guy who felt me up and had a complete meltdown and left before he woke up and I don't know what to do now." She rambled all at once. Candy stared at her, her eyes looking around for any intruders.

"Have you spoken to him since?" She asked, Rosalie shook her head. "Okay, I think you need to tell him because once you explain he'll understand. He seems nice enough for that." She suggested. Rosalie chewed her lip and looked away, her mind racing. Candy put her hand on hers and looked inquisitive. "Do you want him to understand?" She asked.

"I think, starting something with Harry now is wrong." Candy's eyebrows raised, not expecting that. "I have too much going on right now to start dating someone; especially if every time I sleep with them I'm gonna have a panic attack." She pointed out. Candy seemed to deflate slightly.

"I mean, it's your choice hun but it's a shame you know? He seemed like a nice guy." Rosalie nodded in agreement.

"It would be selfish to drag him into all my problems though." Candy's face appeared to disagree all of a sudden.

"I mean why don't you lay it all out for him and let him decide whether he wants to be dragged into it." She suggested but Rosalie shook her head.

"He's too nice, he'll just pity me." Again, Candy knew that she didn't know Harry very well but Rosalie was attractive and a nice person; she was almost certain he wouldn't pity her.

"It's your choice what you do babe." She squeezed her arm and got up to get changed. Rosalie nodded and continued to do her make up with a frown.

At three fifteen, she exited the dressing room as usual. For some reason that night she was really tired, it had been a busy night with two stag dos going in at once. All she needed to was to go home and get in bed which made her wonder whether this was what Lola felt like all the time.

What she didn't need was Harry turning up to the club just as she was about to leave. His mop of hair was leant against the wall by the exit, causing her to halt in place. He hadn't seen her yet so she took the moment to take in his image as it could be the last time she saw it.

The red fluorescent lights hit his face, which looked slightly uncomfortable. It amused Rosalie that whenever a dancer walked past him to leave, he would shuffle away as if they were going to pounce on him. It was endearing to say the least.

in the night- h.sNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ