chapter 48

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I could write essays about what I love about this video. He is just divine.

June 2017

As soon as Harry got to LA, he was expected to attend a party set up by Vogue. He knew that many people he was friends with were going to be there and it was a bit of relief since he was extremely jet lagged so he knew he could just chill with them and go home early hopefully.

For the occasion, he wore the white t shirt Rosalie had bought him that said 'Sex' on it, brown trousers and a jacket. Simple but effective in his eyes. This way, if someone said they liked his t shirt, he could bring her up casually. Any excuse at this point, he missed her.

going to the party now, will call you later - H

She didn't reply because it would be about three am there and she no longer was awake at ungodly hours. It was sort of a relief as it meant she was getting some sleep.

He entered alone but he didn't mind, everyone knew him there and he was good with new people. It was in full swing around him but he made a b line for the bar while his eyes searched for any of his close friends.

With a margarita firmly secured in his hand, he leant against the bar and looked at the scenery. He recognised a few people around but he figured he would find people eventually.

"Harry!" A familiar british voice appeared before their face did but then the tall leggy brunette. She looked stunning in black trousers, a loose white shirt and a silver chain running across her body.

"Alexa!" He beamed, pulling her into a hug immediately. "What are you still doing in LA?"

"Oh I'm just here for this then I'm off to New York." She told him, a glass of champagne in her hand. Harry laughed, what a life she lived.

"Of course you are." He grinned. "Who are you with tonight?" She gave him a knowing look and grabbed his arm.

"I'll introduce you" she dragged him from the bar. Harry adored Alexa, she was always the life of a party and knew all the best people.

There was a group of tall mostly women stood in the corner. They all turned around as Alexa called out to them and some eyes widened at the sight of him.

"Stop introducing me to models, Alexa!" He beamed, complimenting the whole group at once. They all laughed as he put his arm around Alexa, feeling comfortable immediately.

"Stop it, I'm blushing Harry" Alexa's friend that Harry already knew, Derek, burst. They all laughed as Harry blew him a kiss.

"Harry, this is Derek as you know, Matt, Fifi, my new friend Tan and Camille." She went round the group, everyone waving as she introduced them. Harry shook everyone's hand and kissed every girls cheek.

"In France we give two." Camille said as he leant in to kiss her, so he gave her two.

"Oh you're French, that's cool." He smiled at her, taking a good look at her. She was wearing flared black jeans, an oversized blazer and a plain t shirt underneath. He felt Alexa's hand squeeze his side as he was clearly looking at Camille for a while.

"What brings you to LA, Harry?" Tan asked. Harry raised his eyebrows at the northern accent that just came out of his mouth.

"Promoting my album and some promo for Dunkirk as well." He answered. "What part of England are you from?" He quickly moved the subject on from himself.

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