chapter 34

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May 2017

"I could do with this weather all the time." Rosalie sighed as she laid on a sun lounger. Sarah hummed in agreement, laying on the lounger next to her.

"Do you think this is why celebrities move out here all the time?" She wondered, Rosalie thought about it. Los Angeles was quite a weird place full of weird people. She definitely wouldn't move there forever despite the weather.

"Maybe." She settled on.

The sun was beating down on them both. Rosalie tanned easily therefore she was already a nice shade of brown but she was starting to sweat and she hated the feeling of the droplets gliding down her face.

She wiped her face with her towel and decided to sit up paint her nails to try and distract herself from the heat. Sarah was reading a book, a hat and sunglasses protecting her face while Rosalie only had Harry's sunglasses she had claimed as her own.

The nail polish had been sitting underneath the sun lounger so the sun didn't get to it. Rosalie didn't know the science but she didn't like to leave anything in the sun for too long anyway, terrified of ruining something perfect.

"Rosalie!" Harry's voice elongated her name in a loud scream suddenly, making her jump. She looked up to see him sprinting towards the pool and cannonball into it. The water leapt out as he leapt in, making both girls scream.

Harry emerged from the water with messy hair and a wide grin on his face. He found that too amusing as he rubbed his eyes clear of chlorine. Rosalie just giggled at the sight of him. Sometimes he did act like such a child in the best way as Rosalie didn't have time to be a child.

"I told him not to" Mitch shook his head as he stepped out of the house. Rosalie wolf whistled while Sarah let out a cheer at the sight of him. He immediately became shy and shook his head.

"Oi" Harry yelled from the pool at their reaction. Rosalie stuck out her tongue and started painting her nails, removing her attention from him.

Harry and Mitch played in the pool, either racing each other or headering a ball to each other. Rosalie would look up once in a while and admire his exposed upper body. His tattoos looked especially good when he was tanned.

The plan was to have lots of friends over later for a barbecue. Rosalie was kind of nervous since she didn't know a lot of Harry's American friends or friends in general, she only knew his band. It always brought the question of what they were, he could hardly introduce her as his date at his own barbecue.

She didn't care what they were, she was having the most fun she had had in years. Whether it continued into a more serious thing or fizzled out into a past fling, Rosalie was just grateful to have experienced it at all. That was one of the reasons that she was taking so many photos, she wanted the memories for the moment it was taken away from her.

Suddenly a large body sat behind her as she painted her nails. Harry copied her positioning, one leg on each side of the lounger. His wet hands flung around her waist as he pressed his body against her back of hers. A low chuckle came from his mouth as she tried to shake him off.

"Harry! You're wet!" She squealed. He ignored her squirming from in front of him and just gripped her tighter until she stopped resisting. His head found its way to her shoulder so he could see what she was doing.

"Are you painting your nails?" He murmured, kissing her neck and jaw. He had a towel hung loosely on his shoulders to catch any wet droplets from his hair. She noticed that it was wavy when wet and swooped in front of his eyes slightly. It made a difference to the usual pushed back bait.

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