chapter 29

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May 2017

The flight to LA was almost as if it never happened. Everyone was so exhausted from the night before that the plane was silent from everyone sleeping. Rosalie had never been on a plane before and really wanted to remember the experience but her exhaustion got the better of her and within half an hour she was asleep against Harry's shoulder.

Harry had explained to Rosalie that he wouldn't be around a lot in LA, that she could basically go wherever she wanted and have fun and that he'd try his best to spend as much time with her as possible. This excited her though because she couldn't wait to explore with and without him.

Most of the band were going to be staying at an Air bnb or at a hotel but Harry always stayed at his house. It was up in the hills but it didn't take long to get there at all. Rosalie couldn't take her eyes off the houses they were driving past. They were much bigger than Harry's back in London.

The car stopped and Rosalie looked at the house they had stopped at. Harry got out of the car and jogged round to open her door. Her eyes were wide as she got out, making him chuckle.

"It's a bit much I know." He laughed before helping the driver get their cases out of the trunk.

Her eyes were drawn to the large white house stood in front of her. It was so tall with beautiful stone stairs leading up to the front door. She would never leave the house if she lived here, then she realised for the next few weeks she was going to love here.

"Thanks so much, man" he said to the driver as he started to carry the cases into the house. "Come on, I'll show you around." He put his hand on her back and led her towards the front door.

"I feel like I've woken up in another world." She joked as she realised the house was real. He opened the door and watched her mouth drop. The doorman left swiftly as Rosalie walked around the hallway with a shocked expression.

"Over here is the garage." He took her hand and dragged her to the first door on the left. The door opened and revealed all of his vintage cars. Rosalie let go of his hand and walked into the room, going straight towards his yellow car first.

"This car

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"This car." She gasped. "I want to make love to this car." She ran her hands over it. Harry leant against the doorframe and watched her as she freaked out about each car.

"Didn't realise you were such a car person." He broke her gaze with the cars and suddenly she was reminded that he was in the room.

"I can appreciate a good car." She shrugged and jogged over to join him again so she can see the rest of his house.

It was very modern and very clean. It looked like a show house, unlived in completely. Harry seemed unattached to it as he showed her around, not having any stories as he would about his London house. However it was undeniably beautiful.

"And the bedroom." He pushed the door open and she walked into it. Rosalie looked around at the polished well kept room and nodded. "What's wrong?" He noticed she didn't look as enthusiastic as she had in previous rooms.

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