chapter 3

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January 2017

Rosalie got to the club ten minutes early, walking in through the stage door to meet her fellow women. She smiled and waved to a few familiar faces but mostly kept her head down until she got to her station.

It had been three years since the owner, Howard, had taken her in and given her a steady income. She must admit, it's not the most ideal job but she enjoyed performing. It empowered her, made her believe her body was sexy and she herself was sexy.

"Hey hun." Another dancer joined her on the mirror next to her. Rosalie gave a smile, she was respected within the girls. She never got involved with drama, rarely socialised with the girls outside of the club and didn't share any personal stuff with anyone she didn't know.

"Hey Candy." She smiled. Candy was her closest friend in the club, she was older and had been there longer but was one of the most respected dancers.

"Busy night tonight." She informed her as Rosalie touched up her make up to make it more theatrical. Because of this job, Rosalie had become quite the expert with make up.

"That's good, means lots of tips" Candy had taught Rosalie many things when she first started at the club; one, never use your real name, two, treat it as a job not a life, three, you are a dancer not a prostitute. Rosalie lived by those rules and so far had had no trouble.

"Big ol' Howie's in tonight so put on your best gear and get your body moving." She advised. Rosalie looked around to the other dancers and saw that everyone else was trying extra hard. If Howard liked you, you got the richest men who gave the heavier tips. A light giggle left her lips.

"You and everyone else know he's in love with you. I don't know why they bother." She joked lightheartedly.

Candy's real name was Delilah but only Rosalie knew that. She had gorgeous strawberry blonde hair, a perfectly pointed nose and always red lips whatever the occasion. She was one of the tallest girls and if she had had enough money in life she probably would have been a model not a dancer.

Rosalie stood up from her station and walked behind a screen so she could get changed. Why the screen was necessary was beyond her, she had seen these girls naked about a billion times. When she walked out, Candy wolf whistled and begged her to do a spin.

"Why you are still single is beyond me." Candy shook her head. Rosalie ran her tongue along her lip as she looked at herself in the mirror, she did look good.

"None of them deserve me." She teased. Candy slapped her bum and stood behind her in the mirror.

"Ain't that the truth" she agreed. "Get out there and show them what you got." Rosalie walked to the entrance and took a deep breath before walking out into the bar.

Candy was right, it was rather busy. Strutting around, she ran her hand along every man's shoulders and waited for one to call her to them. She preferred the younger men if there was any, they were easier to please. The older men creeped her out partly.

"Excuse me, miss." Someone called. Her head snapped around and saw a group of men that she assumed were there for a stag do considering how many there were.

"What can I do for you?" She asked as she approached the group. They were all young, not bad looking so this should be easy.

"I'd like to get this man a lap dance." The loud one demanded. Rosalie looked at the one he was pointing to and smiled. The man looked nervous so she assumed he was the stag.

"Why so you can watch?" She teased. They all cheered for the loud one, he kept eye contact with her as she moved her tongue around her mouth at him. "I'm just teasing." She informed him before turning to his friend.

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