chapter 54

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The next few chapters are gonna jump around a bit time wise, so just check what month it is before you read in case of any confusion. Sorry, I just hate filler chapters and would rather just get to the point.

September 2017

There was no putting it off anymore, Harry had to go on tour whether or not he felt like it. It was a childish ache in him that made touring feel like a chore because he just wasn't feeling as if he could get up on stage and pretend that he was okay. The words were going to hit him tonight.

Los Angeles was his second show of the tour, his first show in San Fransisco had been okay but he needed to up his game for the LA show. A few friends were going to be at this one so he couldn't half ass it.

Backstage, he looked at himself in the mirror. Gucci had provided him with a different suit for every night, that night it was a blue suit with gorgeous embroidered leaves all over. He had gotten a hair cut so his hair was much shorter and he felt good.

"There's a few people in the VIP section tonight." Jeff announced as he looked at himself in the mirror. "Camille is here." Harry took a deep breath and nodded.

He had invited Camille among his other friends to the show and from that they had been texting back and forth. It wasn't anything too serious or flirty, Harry couldn't really cope with anything like that right now. They got on really well, anyone who knew them could've told them that.

"I wanna add a song tonight" he announced. "That one we rehearsed the other day, can we put it in after if Stockholm syndrome?" He scratched the back of his head and the band nodded.

"Let's get that set up then." Jeff agreed and went to speak to the sound people.

Harry spoke and mingled with the band, they all put their hands in the middle. It was something he used to do with One Direction, making him feel like part of a team which was something he missed.

"Los Angeles!" He sang as they bounced their hands. "The land of soup sex and sun salutations." Everyone laughed at his words and cheered as they lifted their hands up.

Mitch pulled Harry in for a hug, knowing that he was feeling a bit rough. His body relaxed against him, rocking him from side to side which was something Rosalie used to do. It was comforting to say the least and part of him never wanted to let go.

"Let's do this." Mitch patted him on the back when they pulled apart. Harry nodded slowly but he knew he had to be on top form even if inside he wasn't feeling himself.

He skipped onto that stage, hands up and smile plastered on his face. It was a relief to get out there and see people who wanted to support him. He took his in ear piece out so he could hear the full extent of their screams and tried not to get overwhelmed. In times where he didn't feel loved, his fans could always pull him out of it.

"Good evening Los Angeles!" He said into the microphone, earning another loud scream that just filled him with joy. "My name is Harry, I'm from England." It was fun to introduce himself to a bunch of people who knew who he was. Of course, he didn't know who any of them were so an introduction felt appropriate. "I only have one album, ten songs but don't you worry we will be doing more than just that tonight."

He took the microphone off the stand and walked to one side of the stage, looking at all the faces and phones that were being held up at him. Waving at everyone, he subtly looked to the VIP section and saw some familiar faces and indeed, Camille. He waved to her and she smiled, showing her red lips to him.

"Can I just say before our first song this evening that you all look absolutely beautiful tonight." His eyes scanned over to the VIP section, not sure what was giving him all this confidence. "This is only angel."

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