chapter 11

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March 2017

"Do you want to do it forever?" Harry asked as he walked her home. Rosalie had on some gym leggings and a huge oversized hoodie that once belonged to an old friend.

"What? Dancing?" She phrased her question carefully but he caught it.

"Dancing at that club." He wanted to know so much about her, if it meant walking her home from work every night at four am then he would. She hadn't realised that.

"No." She answered definitively. Harry knew he would have to keep prodding small bits of information out of her bit by bit but he didn't mind. The longer she made him work for the answers the more time he got to spend with her.

"What do you want to do eventually?" He tried to look at her as much as possible without tripping over. In doing this, he caught the smile his question put on her face.

"Are you trying to use this walk as a date?" She teased. Harry put his hand on the back of his head and let out an awkward laugh.

"Well if you'd stop rejecting me I wouldn't have to." He replied, earning another smile from her. They walked in silence down her road before reaching her doorway. Harry thought he was going to get rejected again but then she pulled herself up onto her wall. He stood in front of her and smiled. "So are you?" He asked.

"What?" She wondered but she knew what. Harry edged towards her and finally thought he might be getting somewhere.

"Going to stop rejecting me?" He finished his question. His chest raised and fell in front of her face, for some reason she was drawn to it.

His white shirt exposed his chest, revealing to her his two bird tattoos and a hint of the butterfly across his ribcage. Rosalie was intrigued by them and felt no hesitation to reach out and drag her finger down the middle of his pecks. He swallowed hard at the action.

"You look good in a suit." She avoided his question once again. Harry internally thanked the gods he had chosen to wear a suit that night and not jeans. His head was against his chest as he watched her finger invade his shirt. All he could think was: this is progress.

"Rosalie." He dragged out her name in a raspy low voice that sent chills down her spine. The way he said her name as if he were scolding her made her pull her hand away. He lifted his head to meet her eyes once again.

"You forget, Harry. You haven't given me anything to reject tonight." She reminded him. Harry nodded as if he understood, having to compose himself for a moment. He could still feel her hand on his chest even though it was now firmly in her lap.

"Would it be worth asking?" He could go on all night skipping around the real question because he knew the minute he got an answer whether it was good or not he would have to leave.

"Depends if you're going to wear a suit." She smirked, allowing her teeth to show in the smile that followed. Harry licked his lips into a smile.

"You see, with what I have planned. It's not really a suit kind of situation." He folded his lips as it he were conveying a 'what a shame' expression. Rosalie leant back on the wall.

"With what you have planned?" She questioned. Harry nodded very slowly. "What will that be exactly?" Her question made Harry lean back with a smile and shake his head.

"I can't disclose that information to you just yet." He answered. Rosalie sighed dramatically, amusing him quite a bit.

"Ask me then." She held out her hands to him as if to give him his chance. Harry took in a deep breath and prepared for imminent rejection.

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