chapter 51

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It's a short one, sorry.

BUT fun fact, I have the same birthday as Mitch so I don't care.

July 2017

Even though Harry was a mess, he was not going to let it ruin Mitch's birthday. He hadn't seen or heard from Rosalie since she had left, he had texted and called her to try and talk but she wasn't replying.

He could feel the sympathy radiate off people whenever they asked where Rosalie was and he just gave a simple 'she couldn't make it'. It wasn't fooling anyone, they could see the sadness that came over him.

Before Mitch arrived, he kept to himself. He sipped his margarita and pretended like he was enjoying himself around Adam's friends. He didn't like any of them but he wasn't going to be rude, especially when he organised the party.

"Surprise!" Everyone yelled. Mitch looked mortified which was the general aim. Harry managed to smile at his reaction, he loved Mitch dearly and was glad that he was enjoying himself and liked the surprise.

"It was Harry's idea." Sarah said, pointing to him. Mitch gave him a happy smile and the couple walked over. Harry raised his glass as they stood in front of him.

"Happy birthday" he pulled him in for a hug and Mitch squeezed him tightly.

"Thanks." The looks of sympathy washed over them. "You didn't have to come if you weren't feeling up to it." He added but Harry just shook his head, he wasn't going to miss his best friends birthday just because he'd just been dumped.

"I wanted to come, Mitch. I'm not gonna just sit at home feeling sorry for myself." Sarah licked her lips, biting down slightly.

None of them had seen Rosalie. Sarah had been over to her house but turned away by Nick and again when she went to the bar. It didn't make any sense to any of them and at some point she was going to force her to talk. For now she figured she needed some space.

"Heard anything?" Harry asked, not knowing if he wanted the answer. Sarah just shook her head so he sighed. "That's okay."

"She will come around and talk eventually." Sarah reassured him but he shook his head, not wanting to know.

"It's fine." He mumbled, taking a gulp of his drink. They both gave him sad smiles. He hated being the stub of everyone's sympathy.

"How's the press going for Dunkirk?" Sarah changed the topic quickly. Harry nodded, that's what kept him busy through it all. They had the premiere the day before and so far it had been received quite well.

"Good. I watched it the other day and it was so weird to see myself up there. I don't think I'll be able to get used to it." He shrugged. Sarah gave him a smile and rolled her eyes.

"So modest. I can't wait to see it. We should all go together." She suggested. Harry chuckled, quickly declining.

"Absolutely not. You two can go and tell me if you liked it afterwards." He suggested.

"I want to take the piss out of you while you're sat right next to me." Mitch pouted earning another chuckle.

"Absolutely not, Mitchell." He shook his head with a smile. It released some of the ache in his chest being with them and distracting himself but he knew he would have to go home to his empty house and sleep alone tonight and he really wasn't looking forward to that.

Mitch mingled as did Sarah as they knew everyone. Harry wandered around for a bit but found himself sat in the living room with a group of men. Some he liked, some he didn't. Adam's friends weren't really his cup of tea which he found out at Adam's stag do. He wasn't really sure why they were here, Mitch didn't necessarily like them but he didn't have many friends that could be invited so here he was.

"Harry, how's that gorgeous girlfriend of yours?" The one that he liked the least asked. He took a swig of his beer and before he could even come up with an answer another one raised their eyebrows. Mitch gave him a look, telling him to leave but he didn't say anything.

"That's not a good sign, trouble in paradise?" He was teasing as he clearly didn't know the emotional trauma Harry had been through in the past couple of weeks.

"She's fine." He answered. They all looked at each other and the first man piped up again.

"So she's working tonight I presume?" Harry met his eyes, they were being cheeky and he didn't appreciate it. They thought she wasn't here because she was spinning round and a pole and even though they weren't in a good place, he wouldn't let them make jokes about her.

"I don't know what you mean" he replied. They all chuckled among themselves and he didn't want to be there anymore.

"No judgement here man, you're living every man's dream." One commented and they all gave a nod of agreement. Harry clenched his jaw and let out a deep breath through his nose.

"I was surprised though, I saw her at Adam's wedding. You'd never be able to tell." They were talking as if Harry wasn't sat right next to them.

"Nah, I saw the dirty twinkle in her eye." Harry was absolutely fuming by now but was not one to make a scene so he just tried to calm his heart down.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't talk about her like that. With respect, you don't shit about her." He hissed. They all looked at him and for a second he thought they were going to move on. Most of them seemed to get that Harry wasn't comfortable but not all.

"Oh come on. You're dating a stripper, what do you expect to say?" It seemed as if everyone stilled at his words and waited for Harry to blow up. Instead, he just stood up and left.

"Nice one." Another muttered as Mitch got up and ran after him.

Harry stood outside, taking in the cool air before he pulled out his phone and dialled Rosalie's number. Obviously, she didn't answer but he just wanted to leave a voicemail.

"Rosalie, it's me. I know you don't want to talk to me and that's fine. It's breaking me but it's fine. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry I was too much, I didn't realise and I should've known better so I am sorry." He sighed and looked up to the sky, feeling the tears come on. "Just let me know you're alright." His voice cracked. "Tell Sarah or something just please let me know you're alright because I can't stop thinking about you."

"Harry" Mitch's voice yelled from down the road. He gave him a thumbs up but he waited for him.

"I won't keep calling and texting, that doesn't do anyone any good I know. But, I'm here and I will always be here if or when you want to talk. It doesn't matter if it's tomorrow or in ten years, just know I'll be here." He bit down on his lip. "I won't ever stop caring about you, no matter how much you push me away. So please talk to me when you're ready." His voice was wobbly and he had to tell him to stop before he rambled. "Okay." He breathed before hanging up.

"You alright?" Mitch asked as he approached him. Harry squeezed his eyes shut but shook himself off.

"Yep, I'm good. Just needed some air." He smiled as best as he could and Mitch nodded.

"Okay. That guys a prick, don't listen to what he says." He reassured him. Harry chuckled at Mitch's English slang and shook his head.

"Such a prick." He agreed, throwing an arm around him and walking back into the house with him. "Are you enjoying your surprise?" He asked as they walked in holding each other.

"Oh yeah, I'm truly flattered you would bother to do something like this." He smiled. Harry's broken heart warmed slightly.

"Of course, Mitch. Anything for my favourite guy." He kissed his cheek and they let go of each other.

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