chapter 23

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April 2017

The minute Rosalie told Sarah that she had agreed to go to Adam's wedding, she had scheduled a day where they could go and buy a dress for her to wear. It hadn't sunk in for Rosalie until she had got home. She had freaked out a bit at first, it was a step forwards which she had never taken with someone before.

"I've never been to a wedding before." She confessed to Sarah as they walked down Oxford high street together. If anything, she was enjoying spending time with Sarah and pretending for a while that her life was somewhat conventional.

"Ugh, wait till you get to my age and everyone around you is getting married. It's awful." Sarah complained. "But Harry and Mitch are fun and when you have fun people around you; weddings are great." She confirmed. Rosalie linked their arms and squeezed her bicep.

The first shop they entered pulled them apart, each girl going a different direction to the other. Rosalie ran her hand along the silks and fabrics, feeling a weight on her heart as if it were her that were about to commit herself to someone for life.

"Do you know what Harry is wearing?" Sarah's voice suddenly appeared beside her, making her leap out of her thought.

"No, should I?" She asked, her voice exposing her nerves with the way it shook.

"No." Sarah gave her a weird look, not understanding why she was reacting like that "Are you okay?" Sarah put her hand on her arm. "Hey, don't freak out it's not like you're the one who getting married." She pointed out. Rosalie nodded but she was still panicking slightly.

"I'm just not usually the girl that people take to weddings, you know? I'm a stripper, Sarah." They got a weird look from a woman walking past but neither of them cared. Sarah  stared at her as if she had just said the stupidest sentence known to man.

"You're not just a stripper though, Ro." Sarah said quietly to her. Rosalie looked at her and let out a deep breath. "You're a person and you deserve to be wanted as a person." She squeezed her arm. "Now, smile and lets get you a dress."

"Okay." She smiled as best she could which was good enough for her.

They looked at dresses in that shop for a while, Sarah did some snooping with Harry and found out he was planning on wearing a pale blue shirt and a white suit. Subtly, she suggested they get her a pale blue dress and thankfully she agreed.

Sarah sat in the changing room while Rosalie tried on dozens of dresses, always finding something wrong with each of them. It was mildly frustrating, a feeling that seemed to be common when coming into contact with Rosalie.

"Have you spoken about what you're gonna do when the album comes out and he goes to LA?" She wondered as Rosalie walked out, looking like a super model in everything she tried on. Sarah had stopped complimenting her, she just wanted her to pick something.

"No. I kind of assumed we'd just stop seeing each other." She had come to terms with the fact that Harry might only want a fling, someone to keep his bed warm before his album came out and he would have to tour the world.

"What?" Sarah clearly didn't understand. "Why would you assume that?"

"Well, he'll be busy and I'll be here. I don't mind, really." Sarah stared at her as if she was insane.

"You think he's just going to forget about you?" She wondered. Rosalie didn't reply, just looked at herself in the mirror and nodded.

 Rosalie didn't reply, just looked at herself in the mirror and nodded

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