chapter 35

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May 2017

Everyone who arrived greeted Harry at the barbecue where him and Mitch were trying hard not to burn all the food. Rosalie was stood by the drinks with Sarah as she introduced her to anyone she knew. Harry had promised to introduce her to his friends but she knew it would be near impossible as he would be busy.

"Margarita?" Sarah offered, having made one for each of them. Rosalie smiled as she took it off her, Sarah quickly pulled her strap up for her. "I'm guessing you don't want everyone to know about your love bite." She giggled.

"Thanks." Rosalie smiled, sipping her margarita and humming in happiness. "Have you been to one of Harry's party's before?" She wondered.

"Many. He's a great host." Sarah nodded. "But so have you, after the show in London." Her nudge reminded her of that wonderful night with Harry and she loosened up.

"Oh yeah." Her eyes found him, it was a moment she wished she could capture on her camera but he was too far away. Everyone who approached him was met with a warm hug and an instant conversation. How could he do that so easily? Rosalie would've been happy just to watch him interact with everyone. "He told me he adored me." She suddenly blurted. Sarah didn't react the same way she had.

"Aw that's so cute." Sarah watched Rosalie down her margarita and hand her the glass for another one. "That's cute right? He adores you."

"I didn't react the best, just kinda stared at him." Her face contorted in disgust at her reaction. "So stupid."

"No you're not honey. You're just damaged." Sarah tucked her hair behind her ear for her. Rosalie chuckled at her blunt words and shook her head. "It's okay, you'll learn how to use your words."

"How is he so good at it?" She sighed. "Look at him, it's effortless" Sarah followed her eye line to him and smiled.

"He's Harry, he has that effect on people." She pointed out. Rosalie nodded as she definitely knew what she was talking about. "Everything's been good though right?" She asked as they clinked their drinks together.

"So far, I have no complaints." She licked her lips of the salt and wiggled her eyebrows. Rosalie looked around at everyone, some were dancing while others were just talking. Other people were meant to be joining later, in an attempt to make the party a proper dance party. Rosalie downed her second margarita when she saw Sarah grab the tequila bottle.

"Come on, lets go get our men." Rosalie grabbed the two shots she had poured and followed her over to the barbecue.

Her smile couldn't be suppressed as she held her hand out in front of her, into his eye line. Sarah grabbed Mitch from his side and dragged him away with a giggle. Mitch being the pushover he is, followed her like a puppy.

"Shot?" Harry grinned at the sound of her voice. His hand took the shot glass and knocked it back before turning his face to her.

"Hey, I've been waiting for when you'd show your face." He smirked, pulling her into his side and kissing her kindly. "Guys, this is Rosalie." He turned his body with hers and she was met with a large group of people. A large group of people that looked as if they had just walked off a runway. "Ro, this is Nick, Alexa, Sam, Pixie, Louise and Trevor." He pointed to each person.

Rosalie followed as best as she could, Alexa was tall and looked familiar and had her arm around Nick who was slightly shorter than her. She studied their reactions to her being introduced but they seemed like they were excited and not ready to rip her to shred.

"Lovely to meet you" Alexa smiled, Rosalie opened her mouth when she realised she was british.

"Harry's been talking our ear off about you all evening" Nick added with a laugh, he was also british.

in the night- h.sOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz