chapter 25

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May 2017

Harry has suggested the band go to Rosalie's bar for the evening after rehearsals. They all knew why and their suspicions were soon confirmed when Harry went straight to the bar, offering to buy everyone drinks.

"Oh hey." Rosalie smiled when she saw him. Suddenly, him turning up unannounced didn't send fear through her but excitement.

"Hey, I need about 10 beers and to open a tab." Rosalie leant forwards and raised her eyebrows at his request.

"Rough day?" She teased, following his eye line to where the rest of the band were sat.

"For the group. Do you want to join us after your shift?" His question made her heart ache slightly and he saw her hesitation. "One drink?" His eyes were full of hope.

"One drink." She agreed, earning a smile. "I'll bring over your beers." She winked, turning away from him. Harry took a deep breath and walked over to his group, sitting next to Sarah.

"Rosalie's bringing the drinks over." He announced to all their curious faces and everyone went back to their conversations.

"What are you two gonna do when your album comes out in a few weeks?" Sarah asked, considering Rosalie didn't know anything about it, she was curious to see whether Harry actually had any plans for the two of them. The question seemed to stress Harry out.

"I'm not sure. When it gets to May, I'm suddenly busy everyday and I don't know how much she'll want to be involved in." He explained. Sarah looked away from his eyes and he turned his head to see Rosalie walking over with a tray of pints.

"Hey!" They all greeted her. Rosalie had never had such a big group of people be happy to see her but it may be because she was the one with their drinks.

"Here you go, let me know when you want another round." They all thanked her as the beers soon disappeared from the tray. She winked at Harry before walking back to the bar.

"I mean tell her everything that's happening and let her decide" Sarah suggested. Mitch's head appeared from out behind her.

"Is this Rosalie?" He asked, Harry nodded. "You should invite her to come to LA with us." He recommended. Harry wanted to do that but he was very conscious of how much she could handle when it came to him.

"I feel like she'll freak out. Besides, will she even get time off work and what about her roommates? She doesn't like to be away from them for too long." He stressed, their lives not having anything in common so suddenly he was hitting a brick wall.

"I feel like at first she'll assume it's impossible but realistically it's not. The club will let her go away for a few weeks and I'm sure if you asked for her the bar will let her go away as well. The roommates might be a bit trickier but they can live without her." Sarah laid it out for her. "Just make sure she has time to absorb the information." Harry nodded.

He wasn't one to be so open to advice about his relationships, usually he knew what he was doing but with Rosalie it was a mystery. Every move he usually made didn't work and every time he thought she wasn't interested she would make a move. She was the most complicated person he had encountered in a while but he couldn't shake her from his mind if he tried.

"Do you want her to come to LA?" Mitch asked. Harry nodded.

"I'd be afraid she wouldn't be here when I got back if she didn't come with me." He laughed. They all took a sip of their beer. "I'll just explain it to her and let her decide. Whatever happens, happens." He decided. Mitch and Sarah nodded.

"Do it now." Sarah demanded, earning a small nudge from Mitch. "What? You might as well." Harry laughed at her honestly but somewhat agreed.

"Okay." He shrugged, picking up his beer and making his way over to the bar. Everyone else didn't even question it.

in the night- h.sTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang