Doyoung looked at me, "can you?"


"But it will still trigger the alarm."

I held up my palm and tried to ignite a flame. An orange fire appeared above my palm.

"It's back. Come on."

I pulled away from Doyoung and we sprinted to the high fence.

He got to the fence first and began to climb up with no problem. Once I was close enough, I let out a burst of fire to the ground and propelled myself up through the air over the fence and landed harshly on the ground. Because of the numbness that I was still feeling, I collapsed to the ground.

The alarm was blaring and red lights were flashing.

I felt someone pulled me back up.

"We have to get out of here."

It was Doyoung. He once again put my arms around him and we started to sprint away from the facility.

We were still inside of Ba Sing Se. I could see the wall as we ran to it. But the buildings were much smaller than the Middle Ring.

"Where are we?" I asked as we continued to run straight.

"The Lower Ring."

I took a glance behind and there was no one tailing us.

We stopped in front of a high staircase, near the monorail.

"Go," he handed me a small paper. "This is a ticket that will get you as far as the Upper Ring."

"Wait, you're just gonna leave me?"

My heart started to race faster. I didn't want him to leave me alone in this big city while an ancient organization is coming for my head, and who knows maybe there are more out there?

"Yes. Now go." He shoved me away gently.

"Come with me!" I said, trying my best to make it sound more of an order than a plea.

"And what? You think they will just accept a criminal like me?"

"You helped me escape! You saved my life."

"And I happen to be the one who captured you in the first place too." He said. "Just go."

"Why? It's not because of the prophecy that you decided to help me, is it? What made you change your mind?"

Doyoung pulled down his mask, revealing his face.

I had no words other than beautiful to describe what I was seeing in front of me.

"They were going to eliminate the Avatar permanently." He said. "They would poison you forcing you to go on Avatar State, and kill you. Thus breaking the Avatar cycle, and you will cease to exist. I didn't sign up for that." He breathed in. "Plus, I didn't know that the Avatar is just a... kid." He scanned me from head to toe.

If I weren't too concerned about the White Lotus trying to eliminate the Avatar forever, I would be offended by Doyoung's last words.

"What if they find me in the monorail?"

"They won't, and that's what I'm trying to prevent. Now go!!" Doyoung pushed me away gently again before running away.

"Doyoung!!" I called out his name.

He stopped on his track and turned around to face me.

"Will I ever see you again?"

Doyoung just smiled softly at me and blinked, "good luck, princess." With that, he put his mask back on and ran away disappearing into the city.

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