Chapter 9: It's Decided

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"Hey, go ask her what she wanted to talk to you about," she said before gently shoving him in Brianna's direction. She gave him an encouraging grin.

"Hey Brianna," he said, capturing her attention as he approached her.

"O-Oh, Mr. Drew! Hello," she said shyly as her face flushed red.

"May said she saw you the other day and that you wanted to ask me something?" He asked. He was surprised to see her face burn even redder.

"Well um, you see, Johto contests are partner contests, so I was wondering if you wanted to be partners, b-but um, May said you two were already traveling with each other so it's totally fine. I can find somebody else to team up with," she said shyly. Drew was shocked, not that she wanted to be his partner because who wouldn't, but that Johto contests were done with partners. He was embarrassed with himself for not even knowing that they were.

"Oh, I see then, we'll, thanks for the offer anyway, I'm flattered," he said. She smiled brightly.

"Good luck, I'll see you around," he said before patting her shoulders and watching her eyes become dizzy swirls. He joined up with May as they walked back to their room.

"Well that was fast, what did she ask?" May inquired curiously.

"She asked if I wanted to be partners," he answered. May looked surprised.

"Partners for what?" She asked.

"Apparently for the Johto contests. They're nothing like Hoenn and Kanto, Johto contests are partner contests, May," Drew explained.

"What?!" May exclaimed in shock.

"Yeah. I didn't know either, but since we're traveling, I guess we're partners," he shrugged as he opened the door to their room and held it for her to go first.

"Unless you want to ditch me for someone else," she laughed.

"Well I made a promise, so now I can't ditch you even if I ever want to," he said jokingly, as if it was a heavy burden.

"Even after my weirdness you don't want to get rid of me?" She said, half serious.

"Nah, I can take your weirdness, what I can't take is the fawning, it gets to a point where it's obnoxious. You're a different kind of obnoxious, but hey, it's fun to make fun of you, and you're not half bad of a coordinator," he shrugged, smirking at her.

"Hey jerk! This half bad of a coordinator defeated you in the Kanto Grand Festival," she said proudly.

"Yes you did," he said, a genuine smile took over his face. That was not the response both were expecting to come from him, but it was nice.

"Well, guess it's decided then, I'm stuck with my arrogant rival as a partner," May shrugged.

"Like I'm actually that arrogant, I know my faults and I know what I have to fix. I'm confident, not arrogant," he scoffed. She thought about it. It was true though, he may be slightly full of himself, but he knew where his weaknesses were and how to work on them, he was very confident, and that was something she really admired in him. Confidence did not come easily to her but she was working on it.

"No, you're not, but that doesn't mean you're not a jerk!" She said, sticking her tongue out at him that playfully.

"Okay, I may be just a bit of a jerk," he admitted with a laugh.



Whew. It's done and on a Sunday! I'm slightly back on schedule XD. Anyways, I feel like this was kind of a stupid chapter. It had more meaning in my original idea but it didn't make any sense, but I wanted to keep it in just so that there was that first moment that would lead up to others in the story.

I hope Drew was in character. I've noticed there's not a whole lot of his point of view, but I feel like May is probably more of the main narrator of this story but I have a little sprinkle of Drew in there. I also am so bad about forgetting that Pokemon even exist because I'm so bad about just focusing on May and Drew's interactions. I'm being honest, I completely forgot about Roselia so I added him in here. I feel like he would know all along and is just super suggestive about it to Drew, waggling his nonexistent eyebrows XD.

I hope my Houston joke made sense! Drew said what because he had no idea what she was talking about because Houston doesn't exist in their world. I don't know why I feel like I have to explain it, but I feel like I'll have people after me if they didn't understand it and I didn't clarify just in case!

When this is posted, it'll be May, so happy May everyone, for those going back to school soon, I wish you luck! I will not be so expect the same update schedule! I'm hoping to finish this book some time over the summer, but I think it's going to be a lot longer than I first expected! What have I gotten myself into! Chapter 9 and they still aren't in Johto yet. Man this thing is so long and I keep writing even longer chapters! Why am I like this!

I promise though, even if my update schedule becomes irregular, I will finish this story! And if I don't update for months, you can give me crap about it because chances are I'm just being lazy and doing whatever I want XD. Yes I want to write for me, and I want to write whenever I feel like, but I have a responsibility now, you are my audience and I have to deliver to you all. This isn't just about me anymore, it's about what you guys want too. I could never post every day like I could when I first started because I have other stuff I like to do, but you guys deserve to not be left on hold for months, so I am trying to be better about that because this is something you enjoy and once I get into it, that I enjoy writing! Anyway, that concludes this rant! I hope you all are doing well!

Until next Sunday!


P.S. those of you who have read Defying Fate, I promise the Brianna in this story is not a psychotic wacko XD

PlatonicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora